Free Assessment: Sponsor a Parent/Grandparent

Please complete the following short form if:

1. you wish to apply to sponsor a parent or grandparent for Immigration to Canada.


2. you wish to immigrate to Canada pursuant to the Sponsorship Application of your child or grandchild, who is a Canadian citizen/permanent resident.

Important information for the sponsor before completing the Parent/Grandparent Questionnaire: You may be eligible to sponsor a parent or grandparent if:

  • the person you want to sponsor is a Member of the Family Class. If he or she is not, you will be found not to be a sponsor;
  • you are eighteen (18) years of age or older;
  • you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
  • you reside in Canada;
  • you sign an undertaking promising to provide for the basic requirements of the person being sponsored and, if applicable, his or her family members;
  • you and the sponsored person sign an Agreement that confirms that each of you understands your mutual obligations and responsibilities;
  • you have an income that is at least equal to the minimum necessary income, the amount of which is published yearly by the Canadian government.

Please Note:Once you submit your completed Online Assessment Questionnaire, you should immediately receive an e-mail, confirming the personal data you supplied.  If you do not receive such an e-mail, you likely provided an invalid e-mail address, in which case you are asked to contact us at and provide an alternate e-mail address that we may use to contact you.

We will send your free assessment by email within one (1) business day.

Section 1 - General Details of Sponsor and Applicant

(i) Sponsor's Details

(ii) Applicant's Details

Section 2 - Questions about the Sponsor

Is the Sponsor in receipt of social assistance for a reason other than disability?
Is the Sponsor an undischarged bankrupt as defined in the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act?
Has anyone that the Sponsor has previously sponsored, or any of their family members, received social assistance during the validity period of the undertaking?
Did the Sponsor co-sign an undertaking where the sponsored person or his or her family members received social assistance during the validity period of the undertaking?
Has the Sponsor been ordered to leave Canada?
Is the Sponsor late in making a required payment on an Immigration loan, a performance bond or any other amounts which they have agreed to pay under Canadian Immigration legislation, and have not made arrangements to defer payments?
Is the Sponsor currently detained in a jail, prison, penitentiary or reformatory?
In the five (5) years preceding this Application, has the Sponsor been convicted of a sexual offence or an offence against the person in relation to one of their family members?
Has the Sponsor been ordered by a court to make support payments to their spouse or child and has neglected to do so?
Does the Sponsor currently have a Sponsorship Application being processed by Citizenship and Immigration Canada officials that was filed either by himself/herself or by any third party individual/lawyer/law firm/consultant/consultancy service/company?
Is the Sponsor the subject of an Application to revoke their citizenship for which a decision has not been made yet?
Is the Sponsor the subject of a report on inadmissibility?
Has the Sponsor been charged with an offence under an Act of Parliament punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of at least ten (10) years?

Section 3- Questions about the Applicant

Has the Applicant been convicted of, or is the Applicant currently charged with, on trial for, or party to a crime or offence, or subject of any criminal proceedings in any country?
Has the Applicant previously sought refugee status in Canada or applied for a Canadian immigrant or permanent resident visa or visitor or temporary resident visa?
Has the Applicant been refused refugee status in, or an immigrant or permanent resident visa or visitor or temporary resident visa to, Canada or any other country, or have they been refused a Certificat de selection du Quebec (CSQ) to Quebec?
Has the Applicant been involved in an act of genocide, a war crime or in the commission of a crime against humanity?
Has the Applicant used, planned or advocated the use of armed struggle or violence to reach political, religious or social objectives?
Has the Applicant been associated with a group that used, uses, advocated or advocates the use of armed struggle or violence to reach political, religious or social objectives?
Has the Applicant been a member of an organization that is or was engaged in an activity that is part of a pattern of criminal activity?
Has the Applicant been detained or put in jail?
Has the Applicant had any serious disease or physical or mental disorder?

Section 4 - Final Questions

Is the Sponsor's spouse or common-law partner/same-sex partner co-signing the undertaking to Sponsor?
Has the Sponsor or his/her co-signer, if applicable, previously undertaken to sponsor any person for Immigration to Canada?
How many persons are currently financially dependent on the Sponsor and, if applicable, the co-signer, whether or not they are living with the Sponsor or the co-signer? Do not include the Applicant in this number.
Indicate the Sponsor's income earned as reported in the Notices of Assessment, or an equivalent document, issued by the Minister of National Revenue/Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in respect of each of the three (3) consecutive taxation years immediately preceding the date of filing of the sponsorship Application, in Canadian dollars. Include the Sponsor's spouse's/partner's income if he/she will be a co-signer.

When reporting income, do NOT include any provincial allowance received by the sponsor for a program of instruction or training; any social assistance received by the sponsor from a province; any financial assistance received by the sponsor from the Government of Canada under a resettlement assistance program; any amounts paid to the sponsor under the Employment Insurance Act, other than special benefits; any monthly guaranteed income supplement paid to the sponsor under the Old Age Security Act; and any Canada Child Tax Benefit paid to the sponsor under the Income Tax Act.

Insert your annual income for each year in dollars ONLY without the cents.

How did you learn about our website?

I certify that the information furnished by me in the above form is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, and is provided for the sole purpose of my FREE assessment regarding Sponsorship for Canadian Immigration. I consent to receiving correspondence from Abrams & Krochak at the e-mail address, above, regarding my Immigration assessment and regarding Canadian Immigration news that Abrams & Krochak believes may be of interest to me. I understand that I have the option of withdrawing my consent at any time.