
If ever there was a reason not to delay applying for Permanent Residence in Canada in the Independent / Skilled Worker Class, here is a convincing one: there is a report that all immigrants applying to come to Canada as skilled workers could soon be forced to take a test to show they are proficient in English or French. Citizenship and Immigration Canada officials say the proposed immigration measure would make the process of immigrants proving they can fluently speak one of Canada’s official languages more transparent, the Toronto Star reported.

Current immigration policy allows immigrants who claim to speak either English or French to bypass such tests through a simple letter although, in most instances, formal language testing is still required by Immigration officials.

The proposed tests will even apply to those who grew up speaking English or French.

Translated, this means that an applicant from England who grew up speaking English or an applicant from France who grew up speaking French will have to sit for the test as well.

Immigrating to Canada? Visit www.akcanada.com for more information or a free assessment.