National Occupational Classification

 a |  b |  c |  d |  e |  f |  g |  h |  i |  j |  k |  l |  m |  n 

   o |  p |  q |  r |  s |  t |  u |  v |  w |  x |  y |  z |  2 |  3 |  9 

Please click on the first alphanumeric character in your job title (ie. "p" for "pilot") and choose the applicable job title.

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rabbi TEER 1 41302
rabbit breeder TEER 0 80020
race car driver TEER 3 53200
race relations officer TEER 1 41403
race track maintenance superintendent TEER 2 72014
racehorse exerciser TEER 4 84120
racehorse judge - racetrack TEER 3 53202
racehorse trainer TEER 4 84120
racetrack betting supervisor TEER 2 62029
racetrack cashier TEER 5 65100
racetrack clerk supervisor TEER 2 62029
racetrack clocker TEER 3 53202
racetrack director TEER 0 50012
racetrack finish photographer TEER 3 53110
racetrack steward TEER 3 53202
racetrack timer TEER 3 53202
racing secretary and handicapper TEER 3 53202
rack loader TEER 5 95102
racker - telecommunications TEER 2 72205
racquet stringer TEER 4 94219
radar engineer TEER 1 21310
radar systems technician TEER 2 22310
radar technician TEER 2 22310
radar-indicator inspector - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
radar-receiver assembler TEER 4 94201
radial drill operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106
radial drill press operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106
radial tire builder TEER 4 94112
radial-arm saw operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
radiation biophysicist TEER 1 21100
radiation monitor TEER 2 22232
radiation oncologist TEER 1 31100
radiation oncology simulator technologist TEER 2 32121
radiation oncology technician TEER 2 32121
radiation oncology technologist TEER 2 32121
radiation surveyor TEER 2 22232
radiation technologist - cancer therapy TEER 2 32121
radiation technologist - oncology TEER 2 32121
radiation therapist TEER 2 32121
radiation therapists supervisor TEER 2 32121
radiation therapy chief technologist TEER 2 32121
radiation therapy clinical coordinator TEER 2 32121
radiation therapy clinical instructor TEER 2 32121
radiation therapy technical coordinator TEER 2 32121
radiation therapy technologist (RTT) TEER 2 32121
radiation-detector assembler TEER 4 94201
radiator inspector - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
radiator installer - auto repair service TEER 4 74203
radiator installer - automotive service TEER 4 74203
radiator installer - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
radiator maker TEER 4 94204
radiator pipe installer TEER 2 72301
radiator plumber TEER 2 72300
radio advertising time sales representative TEER 4 64101
radio and electronic overhaul and repair mechanic - avionics TEER 2 22313
radio and radar equipment inspector - avionics TEER 2 22313
radio and radar equipment installer - avionics TEER 2 22313
radio and television broadcasting design engineer TEER 1 21310
radio and television broadcasting systems design engineer TEER 1 21310
radio and television service technician TEER 2 22311
radio and television service technician apprentice TEER 2 22311
radio announcer TEER 2 52114
radio assembler and installer TEER 4 94201
radio astronomer TEER 1 21100
radio broadcasting equipment operator supervisor TEER 2 52112
radio commentator TEER 1 51113
radio communication equipment repairer TEER 2 22311
radio communication equipment repairer - avionics TEER 2 22313
radio communication equipment repairman/woman - avionics TEER 2 22313
radio director TEER 1 51120
radio dispatcher TEER 4 14404
radio frequency technologist TEER 2 22310
radio host/hostess TEER 2 52114
radio installation and repair technician TEER 2 22311
radio interference investigator TEER 2 22231
radio maintenance technician TEER 2 22311
radio music program planner TEER 2 52119
radio operator TEER 4 14404
radio producer TEER 1 51120
radio program planner TEER 2 52119
radio programming manager TEER 0 50011
radio recorder TEER 2 52113
radio repair supervisor TEER 2 22311
radio repairer TEER 2 22311
radio research engineer TEER 1 21310
radio researcher TEER 1 51113
radio station general manager TEER 0 00014
radio station manager TEER 0 50011
radio station operations director TEER 0 50011
radio systems engineer TEER 1 21311
radio technician TEER 2 52113
radio time buyer TEER 2 12102
radio writer TEER 1 51111
radio-frequency welder TEER 2 72106
radio-oncologist TEER 1 31100
radio-oncology specialist TEER 1 31100
radio-telephone operator TEER 4 14404
radiographic technician - non-destructive testing TEER 2 22230
radiographic technologist TEER 2 32121
radiographic tester TEER 2 22230
radiography chief technologist TEER 2 32121
radiography clinical coordinator TEER 2 32121
radiography clinical instructor TEER 2 32121
radiography supervisor TEER 2 32121
radiography technical coordinator TEER 2 32121
radiography technical director TEER 2 32121
radiography technologist TEER 2 32121
radiography technologists supervisor TEER 2 32121
radioisotope technician TEER 2 32121
radioisotope technologist TEER 2 32121
radiological technician TEER 2 32121
radiological technologist TEER 2 32121
radiologist TEER 1 31100
radiologist - Canadian armed forces TEER 1 31100
radiology aide TEER 3 33109
radiology technologist TEER 2 32121
radiotelephone installer and repairer TEER 2 72205
radiotherapy technician TEER 2 32121
radiotherapy technologist TEER 2 32121
radome finisher - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94212
rafting guide TEER 4 64322
rag checker - pulp and paper TEER 5 95103
rag sorter - pulp and paper TEER 5 95103
rag sorter and cutter - textile processing TEER 5 95105
rag stock bleacher TEER 4 94121
ragi TEER 2 42204
rail crane operator TEER 2 72500
rail fence builder TEER 3 73200
rail grinder - railway TEER 4 74200
rail lubricator TEER 5 75211
rail operations superintendent TEER 0 70020
rail sander TEER 4 74200
rail saw operator TEER 4 74200
rail saw operator - railway TEER 4 74200
rail traffic controller TEER 2 72604
rail transport equipment repair foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
rail transport equipment repairers foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
rail transport manager TEER 0 70020
rail transportation traffic engineer TEER 1 21300
rail vehicle mechanic TEER 2 72403
rail-aligner operator - railway TEER 4 74200
rail-grinder operator - railway TEER 4 74200
rail-lifter operator - railway TEER 4 74200
railcar mechanic apprentice TEER 2 72403
railroad claims adjuster - insurance TEER 2 12201
railroad commissioner TEER 0 00011
railway accident investigation officer TEER 2 22231
railway car and locomotive pipefitter TEER 2 72301
railway car assembler TEER 4 94204
railway car cleaner TEER 5 65311
railway car controller - railway yard TEER 4 74200
railway car decal applier TEER 5 75211
railway car distributor TEER 4 74200
railway car greaser TEER 4 74200
railway car inspection foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
railway car inspector TEER 2 72403
railway car inspectors foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
railway car letterer TEER 4 94213
railway car liner TEER 4 94204
railway car loader TEER 5 75101
railway car lubricating specialist TEER 4 74200
railway car lubricator TEER 4 74200
railway car maintenance foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
railway car maintenance supervisor TEER 2 72020
railway car oiler TEER 4 74200
railway car painter and letterer TEER 4 94213
railway car production manager TEER 0 90010
railway car puller - crane TEER 2 72500
railway car repair foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
railway car repairer foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
railway car repairer helper TEER 5 75119
railway car repairer supervisor TEER 2 72020
railway car stenciller TEER 4 94213
railway car trimmer TEER 4 94204
railway car upholsterer TEER 3 63221
railway car varnisher TEER 4 94213
railway car weigher TEER 5 75211
railway carman/woman TEER 2 72403
railway carman/woman apprentice TEER 2 72403
railway carman/woman inspector TEER 2 72403
railway coach fitter TEER 2 72405
railway coach repairer TEER 2 72403
railway conductor TEER 3 73311
railway construction and maintenance superintendent TEER 2 72021
railway cook TEER 3 63200
railway dining car food service supervisor TEER 2 62020
railway division superintendent TEER 0 70020
railway engineer TEER 3 73310
railway engineer trainee TEER 3 73310
railway equipment and supplies technical sales specialist TEER 2 62100
railway equipment and supplies technical salesperson TEER 2 62100
railway equipment department supervisor TEER 2 72020
railway equipment inspector TEER 2 72403
railway equipment maintenance inspectors foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
railway equipment operator TEER 4 74200
railway equipment restoration technician - museum TEER 3 53100
railway express agent TEER 4 64313
railway freight manager TEER 0 70020
railway gang foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
railway guard - police TEER 2 42100
railway hostler TEER 3 73310
railway inspector TEER 2 22231
railway investigator - police TEER 1 41310
railway labourer TEER 5 75211
railway line inspector TEER 4 74200
railway locomotive engineer TEER 3 73310
railway maintenance equipment operator TEER 4 74200
railway manager TEER 0 70020
railway passenger agent TEER 4 64313
railway passenger operations manager TEER 0 70020
railway police chief TEER 0 40040
railway police constable TEER 2 42100
railway police officer TEER 2 42100
railway police supervisor TEER 0 40040
railway reservations clerk TEER 4 64313
railway rolling stock air valve repairer TEER 3 73209
railway rolling stock assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
railway rolling stock carpenter TEER 2 72310
railway rolling stock joiner TEER 2 72310
railway rolling stock manufacturing foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
railway rolling stock production manager TEER 0 90010
railway section foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
railway signal installer TEER 2 72201
railway signal maintainer TEER 2 72201
railway signalman/woman TEER 4 74200
railway special agent - police TEER 2 42100
railway station clerk supervisor TEER 2 62022
railway surveyor TEER 1 21203
railway tank car servicer TEER 4 74200
railway technician TEER 2 22300
railway tie inspector TEER 4 74200
railway track inspector TEER 4 74200
railway track labourer TEER 5 75211
railway track laying foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
railway track maintenance equipment operator TEER 4 74200
railway track maintenance foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
railway track maintenance labourer TEER 5 75211
railway track maintenance worker TEER 4 74200
railway track patroller TEER 4 74200
railway track repairer TEER 4 74200
railway track section boss TEER 2 72021
railway track tamper operator TEER 4 74200
railway trackman/woman TEER 4 74200
railway train engine maintenance worker TEER 4 74200
railway transport area manager TEER 0 70020
railway transport general agent TEER 0 70020
railway transport operating support foreman/woman TEER 2 72023
railway transport operations foreman/woman TEER 2 72023
railway transport operations supervisor TEER 2 72023
railway yard labourer TEER 5 75211
railway-tie-injector operator TEER 4 74200
railwaymen/women foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
raise borer helper - underground mining TEER 4 84100
raise boring machine operator - underground mining TEER 3 83100
raise driller - underground mining TEER 3 83100
raise miner TEER 3 83100
raise miner helper TEER 4 84100
raiseman/woman TEER 3 83100
ram press operator - clay products TEER 4 94103
ramp agent - air transport TEER 4 74202
ramp attendant - air transport TEER 4 74202
ramp lead hand - air transport TEER 4 74202
ramp manager - airline TEER 0 70020
ramp services supervisor - airport TEER 4 74202
ramp station attendant - air transport TEER 4 74202
ranch foreman/woman TEER 2 82030
ranch hand TEER 5 85100
ranch worker TEER 5 85100
rancher TEER 0 80020
ranchman/woman TEER 0 80020
range conservationist TEER 2 22112
range manager TEER 2 22112
rapid transit scheduler TEER 4 14405
rate clerk TEER 4 14200
rate reviewer TEER 4 14200
raw materials production manager TEER 0 80010
raw stock dryer - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
raw stock dyer - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
re-recording mixer TEER 2 52113
re-upholsterer TEER 3 63221
reach truck operator TEER 5 75101
reaction ferry operator TEER 5 75210
reactor physicist TEER 1 21100
reader TEER 4 14301
reader - performing arts TEER 3 53121
reading clinician - elementary school TEER 1 41221
reading clinician - secondary school TEER 1 41220
ready-mix driver - construction TEER 3 73300
ready-mix truck driver TEER 3 73300
ready-mix truck loader TEER 5 75101
ready-to-wear garment tailor TEER 4 64200
reagent mixer - cellulose film manufacturing TEER 4 94110
reagent tender - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
reagent tender helper - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
real estate administrative assistant TEER 3 13111
real estate agency representative TEER 3 63101
real estate agent TEER 3 63101
real estate agent supervisor TEER 3 63101
real estate agents managing supervisor TEER 0 10020
real estate analyst TEER 2 12203
real estate appraisal technician TEER 2 12203
real estate appraiser TEER 2 12203
real estate assessor TEER 2 12203
real estate branch manager TEER 0 10020
real estate broker TEER 0 10020
real estate clerk TEER 4 14201
real estate developer TEER 0 10020
real estate law clerk TEER 2 42200
real estate lawyer TEER 1 41101
real estate management company executive director TEER 0 00012
real estate national sales manager TEER 0 10020
real estate office manager TEER 0 10020
real estate paralegal TEER 2 42200
real estate rental agent TEER 3 13101
real estate sales consultant TEER 3 63101
real estate sales district manager TEER 0 10020
real estate sales manager TEER 0 10020
real estate sales managing director TEER 0 10020
real estate sales representative TEER 3 63101
real estate sales supervisor TEER 3 63101
real estate salesperson TEER 3 63101
real estate secretary TEER 3 13111
real estate service manager TEER 0 10020
realtor TEER 3 63101
realty clerk TEER 4 14201
realty taxation manager TEER 0 40011
rear admiral TEER 0 40042
rebeamer - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
recausticizer TEER 4 94110
recausticizer tender TEER 4 94110
receiver TEER 4 14400
receiver general for Canada TEER 0 00011
receiving barn custodian TEER 5 65220
receiving checker TEER 4 14400
receiving clerk TEER 4 14400
receiving clerk for returned merchandise TEER 4 14400
receiving clerks supervisor TEER 2 12013
receiving room clerk TEER 4 14400
receiving supervisor TEER 2 12013
reception clerk TEER 4 14101
reception clerk - hotel TEER 4 64314
reception desk clerk (except hotel) TEER 4 14101
receptionist TEER 4 14101
receptionist-clerk TEER 4 14101
receptionist-secretary TEER 4 14101
receptionist-switchboard operator TEER 4 14101
receptionist-telephone operator TEER 4 14101
receptionist-typist TEER 4 14101
receptionists and hostesses supervisor TEER 2 12010
receptionists supervisor TEER 2 12010
recital singer TEER 1 51122
reclaim millman/woman - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
reclaimed rubber inspector TEER 4 94112
reclamation diver TEER 2 72999
reclamation engineer TEER 1 21300
reclamation foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
reconciliation clerk - financial sector TEER 4 14201
reconnaissance patrolman TEER 3 43204
record library assistant TEER 4 14300
record producer TEER 1 51120
record store manager TEER 0 60020
record store sales clerk TEER 4 64100
record store salesperson TEER 4 64100
recorder of deeds TEER 2 42200
recorder of wills TEER 2 42200
recording artist TEER 1 51122
recording assistant - recording studio TEER 3 53111
recording clerk - broadcasting TEER 4 14402
recording director TEER 1 51120
recording engineer TEER 2 52113
recording secretary TEER 3 13110
recording studio technician TEER 2 52113
recording technician - museum TEER 3 53100
recordings contact person TEER 4 64101
recordings library clerk TEER 4 14300
records administrator TEER 0 10019
records analyst - access to information TEER 3 13100
records classification clerk TEER 4 14100
records classifier TEER 2 12112
records clerk TEER 4 14100
records clerks supervisor TEER 2 12010
records digitizing technician TEER 2 12112
records filing systems analysts supervisor TEER 1 11201
records filing-system clerk TEER 4 14100
records management clerk TEER 4 14100
records management services manager TEER 0 10019
records management services supervisor TEER 2 12010
records management specialist TEER 1 11201
records management supervisor TEER 2 12010
records management systems analyst TEER 1 11201
records management technician TEER 2 12112
records manager TEER 0 10019
records manager - business services TEER 1 11201
records office supervisor TEER 2 12010
records support clerk TEER 4 14100
records technician TEER 2 12112
recovery equipment operator - chemical processing TEER 4 94110
recovery equipment operator - primary metal and mineral processing TEER 4 94100
recovery operator - pulp and paper TEER 4 94121
recovery plant helper - pulp and paper TEER 5 95103
recovery plant operator TEER 3 93102
recovery room nurse TEER 1 31301
recovery vat tender TEER 4 94110
recreation administrator TEER 0 50012
recreation administrator in chief TEER 0 50012
recreation aide - health services TEER 3 33109
recreation analyst TEER 1 41406
recreation and leisure programs supervisor TEER 1 41406
recreation and leisure supervisor TEER 1 41406
recreation and sports attendant TEER 5 65211
recreation and sports director TEER 0 50012
recreation association information officer TEER 1 11202
recreation attendant TEER 5 65211
recreation centre director TEER 0 50012
recreation centre sports director TEER 0 50012
recreation chief administrator TEER 0 50012
recreation consultant TEER 1 41406
recreation coordinator TEER 1 41406
recreation counsellor TEER 1 41406
recreation director TEER 0 50012
recreation equipment erector TEER 3 73200
recreation establishment director TEER 0 50012
recreation establishment managing supervisor TEER 0 50012
recreation facility manager TEER 0 70012
recreation head administrator TEER 0 50012
recreation instructor TEER 4 54100
recreation leader TEER 4 54100
recreation manager TEER 0 50012
recreation park attendant TEER 5 65211
recreation planner TEER 1 21202
recreation policy analyst TEER 1 41406
recreation program leader TEER 4 54100
recreation programmer TEER 1 41406
recreation programs director TEER 0 50012
recreation programs manager TEER 0 50012
recreation service director TEER 0 50012
recreation service manager TEER 0 50012
recreation services coordinator TEER 1 41406
recreation structure erector TEER 3 73200
recreation supervisor TEER 1 41406
recreation technician TEER 4 54100
recreation therapist aide TEER 3 33109
recreation therapy assistant TEER 2 32109
recreation vehicle apprentice mechanic TEER 2 72423
recreation vehicle assembler TEER 4 94204
recreation vehicle mechanic TEER 2 72423
recreation vehicle repairer TEER 2 72423
recreation vehicle service technician TEER 2 72423
recreation vehicle technician TEER 2 72423
recreation, sports or fitness policy analyst TEER 1 41406
recreational activities consultant TEER 1 41406
recreational activities coordinator TEER 1 41406
recreational activities counsellor TEER 1 41406
recreational activities program coordinator TEER 1 41406
recreational association executive director TEER 0 00013
recreational camp attendant TEER 5 65211
recreational campground manager TEER 0 60031
recreational equipment installer TEER 3 73200
recreational equipment rental-shop attendant TEER 4 64100
recreational equipment salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
recreational facility attendant TEER 5 65211
recreational leadership teacher TEER 1 41210
recreational programs coordinator TEER 1 41406
recreational therapist TEER 1 31204
recreational therapy aide TEER 3 33109
recreationist - geriatrics TEER 1 41406
recreologist TEER 1 41406
recreology professor - university TEER 1 41200
recruiter - employment TEER 2 12101
recruiting director TEER 0 10011
recruiting manager TEER 0 10011
recruiting officer TEER 2 12101
recruitment and training officer - police TEER 2 42100
recruitment assistant TEER 2 12101
recruitment consultant TEER 2 12101
recruitment officer TEER 2 12101
recruitment specialist TEER 2 12101
rectifier operator - electrical power systems TEER 2 92100
rector - education TEER 0 00013
recycled paper handler TEER 5 75101
recycling coordinator - residuals management TEER 1 41400
recycling program coordinator TEER 1 41400
recycling sales representative TEER 4 64101
recycling truck driver TEER 4 74205
recycling truck driver - public works TEER 4 74205
Red Cross first aid director TEER 0 30010
Red Cross nurse TEER 1 31301
red mud thickener tender TEER 4 94100
redcap TEER 5 65210
redraw operator - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
redryer tender - tobacco processing TEER 4 94140
redrying machine operator - tobacco processing TEER 4 94140
reduction plant foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
reed cleaner - textile processing TEER 5 95105
reed fixer - textile manufacturing TEER 2 72400
reed setter - textile manufacturing TEER 2 72400
reel oven operator - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
reel replacer press assistant TEER 5 95109
reel tender - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
reel winder - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
reel wrapper - wire products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
reeled tubing helper - oil field services TEER 5 85111
reeled tubing operator - oil field services TEER 4 84101
reeler - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
reeler and cutter - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94212
reeling machine operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
reeling machine operator - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
reeve TEER 0 00010
referee TEER 3 53202
reference aide - library TEER 4 14300
reference assistant - library TEER 4 14300
reference clerk TEER 4 14300
reference clerk - library TEER 4 14300
reference librarian TEER 1 51100
refined petroleum products distribution manager TEER 0 90011
refiner - pulp and paper TEER 4 94121
refiner helper TEER 5 95100
refiner mill tender - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
refiner operator - pulp and paper TEER 4 94121
refinery engineer TEER 1 21320
refinery equipment inspector TEER 2 22233
refinery fire chief TEER 0 40041
refinery helper - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 5 95100
refinery labourer TEER 5 95100
refinery operator TEER 3 93101
refinery process operator - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100
refinery process technician TEER 3 93101
refinery superintendent TEER 0 90010
refinery unit foreman/woman TEER 2 92011
refining and metalworking engineer TEER 1 21322
reflective sign fabricator TEER 4 94219
reflectoscope tester TEER 2 22230
reflexologist TEER 2 32209
reflexologist therapist TEER 2 32209
reformatory guard TEER 3 43201
refractory brick repairer-mason TEER 2 72320
refractory bricklayer TEER 2 72320
refractory bricklayer foreman/woman TEER 2 72014
refractory bricklayer helper TEER 5 75110
refractory builder TEER 2 72320
refractory mason TEER 2 72320
refractory mortar mixer TEER 4 94103
refractory tamp moulder - clay products TEER 4 94103
refrigerant gas leak tester TEER 4 94202
refrigeration and air conditioning equipment insulator TEER 2 72321
refrigeration and air conditioning equipment insulators foreman/woman TEER 2 72014
refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic TEER 2 72402
refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic (non-construction) TEER 2 72402
refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic apprentice TEER 2 72402
refrigeration and mechanical technician TEER 2 72402
refrigeration contractor TEER 2 72020
refrigeration engineer TEER 1 21301
refrigeration equipment gas charger TEER 4 94202
refrigeration foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
refrigeration mechanic TEER 2 72402
refrigeration mechanic apprentice TEER 2 72402
refrigeration mechanic helper TEER 5 75119
refrigeration mechanics foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
refrigeration plant foreman/woman TEER 2 92011
refrigeration plant operator TEER 2 92100
refrigeration plant operator helper TEER 5 95102
refrigeration system installer TEER 2 72402
refrigeration systems draftsperson TEER 2 22212
refrigeration technician TEER 2 72402
refrigeration unit inspector TEER 4 94202
refrigerator crater TEER 5 95109
refrigerator inspector - electrical appliance manufacturing TEER 4 94202
refrigerator repairer TEER 2 72421
refrigerator servicer TEER 2 72421
refugee affairs program officer TEER 1 41403
refugee board member TEER 1 41407
refuse truck driver - public works TEER 4 74205
regional administrative manager TEER 0 10019
regional attorney TEER 1 41101
regional bank manager TEER 0 10021
regional census manager TEER 2 12012
regional claims and benefits officer - employment insurance TEER 2 12104
regional collection manager TEER 0 10021
regional committee officer - government services TEER 1 41407
regional communications director TEER 0 10022
regional controller - financial services TEER 0 10010
regional coroner TEER 0 40040
regional correctional administrator TEER 0 40030
regional council officer TEER 1 41407
regional credit manager TEER 0 10021
regional Crown prosecutor TEER 1 41101
regional development analyst TEER 1 41402
regional development officer TEER 1 41402
regional economic development agency officer TEER 1 41402
regional economic services manager - government services TEER 0 40011
regional economist TEER 1 41401
regional financial analyst TEER 1 11101
regional forest inventory officer TEER 1 21111
regional industrial development officer TEER 1 41402
regional inventory officer - forestry TEER 1 21111
regional library director TEER 0 50010
regional manager - sales TEER 0 60010
regional manager - telecommunications system TEER 0 10030
regional municipality chair TEER 0 00010
regional municipality general director TEER 0 00011
regional museum technician TEER 3 53100
regional pay centre chief - employment insurance TEER 0 40010
regional planner TEER 1 21202
regional recycling and waste reduction program coordinator TEER 1 41400
regional sales director TEER 0 60010
regional sales manager TEER 0 60010
regional sales representative - wholesale TEER 4 64101
regional schools superintendent TEER 0 40021
regional services chief TEER 3 13100
regional services manager - postal and courier services TEER 0 70021
regional superintendent - schools TEER 0 40021
regional taxation manager TEER 0 40011
regional transmitter technician TEER 2 52112
regional truck driver TEER 3 73300
regional vice-president - financial, communications and other business services TEER 0 00012
regional vice-president - goods production, utilities, transportation and construction TEER 0 00015
regional vice-president - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations TEER 0 00013
regional vice-president - trade, broadcasting and other services TEER 0 00014
registered acupuncture practitioner TEER 2 32200
registered acupuncturist TEER 2 32200
registered animal health technologist (RAHT) TEER 2 32104
registered building technician TEER 2 22210
registered building technologist TEER 2 22210
registered cardiology technologist TEER 2 32123
registered care aide TEER 3 33102
registered central service technician - medical TEER 3 33109
registered clinical counsellor TEER 1 41301
registered community health nurse TEER 1 31301
registered dance therapist TEER 1 41301
registered dental assistant TEER 3 33100
registered dental hygienist TEER 2 32111
registered dental technician (RDT) TEER 2 32112
registered dental technologist (RDT) TEER 2 32112
registered dental therapist TEER 2 32111
registered dermal therapist TEER 3 63211
registered diagnostic cardiac sonographer TEER 2 32122
registered diagnostic medical sonographer (RDMS) TEER 2 32122
registered dietitian (RD) TEER 1 31121
registered dietitian-nutritionist (RDN) TEER 1 31121
registered electrocardiography technician TEER 2 32123
registered emergency paramedic TEER 2 32102
registered family therapist TEER 1 41301
registered graphic designer (RGD) TEER 2 52120
registered industrial nurse TEER 1 31301
registered interior designer TEER 2 52121
registered investment representative TEER 1 11103
registered kinesiologist TEER 1 31204
registered mail clerk TEER 4 64401
registered marriage and family therapist TEER 1 41301
registered marriage therapist TEER 1 41301
registered massage practitioner TEER 2 32201
registered massage therapist (RMT) TEER 2 32201
registered medical technologist TEER 2 32120
registered midwife (RM) TEER 1 31303
registered nurse - call centre TEER 1 31301
registered nurse - contact centre TEER 1 31301
registered nurse - independent practice TEER 1 31301
registered nurse - public and community health TEER 1 31301
registered nurse - telehealth TEER 1 31301
registered nurse (R.N.) TEER 1 31301
registered nursing assistant (R.N.A.) TEER 2 32101
registered nutritionist TEER 1 31121
registered occupational hygienist TEER 1 41400
registered orthopedic technologist TEER 3 33109
registered orthotic technician (R.T.O.) TEER 2 32129
registered patent agent TEER 1 41400
registered pharmacist TEER 1 31120
registered pharmacy technician TEER 2 32124
registered physical therapist TEER 1 31202
registered physiotherapist TEER 1 31202
registered practical nurse (R.P.N.) TEER 2 32101
registered professional dietitian TEER 1 31121
registered professional forester (RPF) TEER 1 21111
registered professional nutritionist TEER 1 31121
registered prosthetic and orthotic technician (R.T.P.O.) TEER 2 32129
registered prosthetic technician (R.T.P.) TEER 2 32129
registered psychiatric nurse (R.P.N.) TEER 1 31301
registered psychologist TEER 1 31200
registered public health nurse TEER 1 31301
registered radiology technologist TEER 2 32121
registered representatives supervisor TEER 1 11103
registered respiratory care practitioner TEER 2 32103
registered respiratory therapist (RRT) TEER 2 32103
registered social service worker TEER 2 42201
registered social worker TEER 1 41300
registered technologist - medical TEER 2 32120
registered technologist in nuclear medicine (RTNM) TEER 2 32121
registered technologist in radiation therapy TEER 2 32121
registered technologist in radiography (RTR) TEER 2 32121
registered trademark agent TEER 2 42200
registered traditional Chinese medicine herbalist TEER 2 32200
registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner TEER 2 32200
registered ultrasound technologist TEER 2 32122
registered veterinary technician (RVT) TEER 2 32104
registrar - college or university TEER 0 40020
registrar - courts TEER 0 10019
registrar clerk TEER 4 14301
registrar of bankruptcy TEER 2 42200
registrar of deeds TEER 2 42200
registrar of probate TEER 2 42200
registrar of wills TEER 2 42200
registration clerk TEER 4 14301
registration unit supervisor TEER 2 12010
registry clerk TEER 4 14301
registry officer - marriages TEER 2 42200
registry supervisor TEER 2 12010
regulated pharmacy technician TEER 2 32124
regulator and tester - telecommunications TEER 2 72205
regulatory affairs analyst TEER 1 11201
regulatory affairs associate TEER 1 11201
regulatory affairs officer TEER 1 11201
regulatory affairs specialist TEER 1 11201
regulatory compliance officer TEER 1 11201
regulatory compliance specialist TEER 1 11201
regulatory toxicologist TEER 1 21110
rehabilitation aide TEER 3 33109
rehabilitation and renovation specialist TEER 0 70011
rehabilitation assistant TEER 2 32109
rehabilitation counsellor TEER 1 41321
rehabilitation instructor for persons who are blind TEER 2 42203
rehabilitation instructor of persons with a visual impairment TEER 2 42203
rehabilitation nursing supervisor TEER 1 31300
rehabilitation officer - social services TEER 2 42201
rehabilitation residential services director TEER 0 40030
rehabilitation service worker TEER 2 42201
rehabilitation services director TEER 0 30010
rehabilitation services director - medical services TEER 0 30010
rehabilitation specialist TEER 1 31100
rehabilitation teacher TEER 2 42203
rehabilitation teacher for persons who are blind TEER 2 42203
rehabilitation teacher of persons with a visual impairment TEER 2 42203
rehabilitation worker - social services TEER 2 42201
rehearsal musician TEER 1 51122
Reiki master TEER 5 65229
reinforced concrete inspector TEER 2 22233
reinforcing cage maker TEER 4 94107
reinforcing cage winding machine operator TEER 4 94107
reinforcing ironworker TEER 2 72105
reinforcing rodworker TEER 2 72105
reinforcing steel ironworker TEER 2 72105
reinforcing wire mesh worker TEER 5 75110
reinsurance analyst TEER 1 11100
reinsurance underwriter - insurance TEER 2 12202
relaster - shoe manufacturing TEER 5 95109
relay adjuster - telecommunications TEER 2 72205
relay interpreter TEER 1 51114
relay tester - telecommunications TEER 2 72205
relay tester and maintainer - electrical power system TEER 2 72202
relay tester and repairer - electrical power system TEER 2 72202
reliability technician TEER 2 22301
relief clerk TEER 4 14100
relief pilot TEER 2 72600
relieving surface foreman/woman - mining TEER 2 82020
religion professor - university TEER 1 41200
religious education director TEER 0 40030
religious education high school teacher TEER 1 41220
religious education worker TEER 2 42204
religious superior - religious community TEER 2 42204
religious superior/mother superior TEER 2 42204
relish maker - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
relocation commissioner TEER 3 13100
relocation consultant TEER 1 41321
relocation counsellor TEER 1 41321
remedial education aide TEER 3 43100
remedial gymnast TEER 1 31204
remedial gymnastics teacher (except education) TEER 1 31204
remedial gymnasts' supervisor TEER 1 31204
remedial herbalist TEER 2 32209
remedial herbologist TEER 2 32209
remedial teacher - college level TEER 1 41210
remedial teacher - elementary school TEER 1 41221
remedial teacher - secondary school TEER 1 41220
remedial therapist TEER 1 31204
remittance accounts clerk TEER 4 14200
remote broadcasting coordinator TEER 2 52119
remote operated vehicle (ROV) operator TEER 2 72999
remote sensing (RS) application specialist TEER 2 22214
remote sensing (RS) technician TEER 2 22214
remote sensing (RS) technologist TEER 2 22214
remote sensing engineer TEER 1 21300
remote sensing geologist TEER 1 21102
remote sensing pilot TEER 2 72600
remote sensing research scientist TEER 1 21100
remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) pilot TEER 5 65329
renal technician TEER 3 33101
rendering plant worker foreman/woman TEER 2 92012
rendering plant workers foreman/woman - meat packing TEER 2 92012
rendering specialist TEER 2 52111
renewal clerk - financial sector TEER 4 14201
renovation carpenter TEER 2 72310
renovation carpenter helper TEER 5 75110
renovation contractor TEER 0 70011
rental agent - retail TEER 4 64100
rental clerk - retail TEER 4 64100
rental counter representative TEER 4 64100
rental service supervisor TEER 2 62010
rentals agent TEER 3 13101
repair lineman/woman - electric power systems TEER 2 72203
repair lineman/woman - telecommunications TEER 2 72204
repair ship owner-operator TEER 5 75210
repairer - electronics production TEER 2 22310
repairer mechanic TEER 2 72401
repayment and benefits control chief - employment insurance TEER 0 40010
repeater installer - telecommunications TEER 2 72205
repeater tester and adjuster - telecommunications TEER 2 72205
reporter TEER 1 51113
reproduction woodcarver TEER 3 53124
repulper operator TEER 4 94121
resaw operator TEER 4 94120
resaw operator - sawmill TEER 4 94120
resaw operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
resawyer - sawmill TEER 4 94120
research administrator - university or college TEER 0 40020
research and development manager TEER 0 20011
research and development occupational therapist TEER 1 31203
research anthropologist TEER 1 41409
research archaeologist TEER 1 41409
research archivist TEER 1 51102
research assistant - forestry TEER 2 22112
research assistant - generalist (except university) TEER 2 12113
research assistant (except post-secondary) TEER 2 12113
research audiologist TEER 1 31112
research biologist TEER 1 21110
research chemical engineer TEER 1 21320
research chemist TEER 1 21101
research dietitian TEER 1 31121
research director - forestry TEER 0 20011
research director - manufacturing TEER 0 20011
research director - mining TEER 0 20011
research director - university or college TEER 0 40020
research engineer - nanoelectronics TEER 1 21310
research forester TEER 1 21111
research home economist TEER 1 41403
research laboratory equipment repairer TEER 2 22310
research mathematician TEER 1 21210
research metallurgist TEER 1 21109
research nutritionist TEER 1 31121
research occupational therapist TEER 1 31203
research officer - federal and intergovernmental affairs TEER 1 41407
research physical therapist TEER 1 31202
research physiotherapist TEER 1 31202
research professor - university TEER 1 41200
research psychologist TEER 1 31200
research scientist - ceramics TEER 1 21109
research scientist - composite materials TEER 1 21109
research support officer TEER 2 12113
research veterinarian TEER 1 31103
reservation agent - airline TEER 4 64312
reservation agent - travel agency TEER 4 64310
reservation agent - wholesale TEER 4 64101
reservation clerk - airline TEER 4 64312
reservation sales agent - airline TEER 4 64312
reservation sales agent - travel agency TEER 4 64310
reservations agent - cruise line TEER 4 64313
reservations agent - railway TEER 4 64313
reservations agent (except airline) TEER 4 64313
reservations clerk - cruise line TEER 4 64313
reservations clerk - hotel TEER 4 64314
reservations clerk - wholesale travel TEER 4 64313
reservations clerk (except airline) TEER 4 64313
reservations manager TEER 0 60031
reservations supervisor TEER 2 62022
reservations supervisor - airline TEER 2 62022
reservations supervisor - hotel TEER 2 62022
reservations supervisor - travel agency TEER 2 62022
reserve administrator TEER 3 13100
reserves calculation clerk - financial sector TEER 4 14201
reservoir engineering technician TEER 2 22101
residence cleaner TEER 5 65310
residence coordinator - group home TEER 2 42201
resident TEER 1 31102
resident care aide - medical TEER 3 33102
resident companion - medical TEER 3 33102
resident physician TEER 1 31102
residential (low rise) sheet metal installer TEER 2 72102
residential alarm system specialist TEER 4 64410
residential architect TEER 1 21200
residential boarding-home cleaner TEER 5 65310
residential building architect TEER 1 21200
residential building shingler TEER 3 73110
residential buildings technologist TEER 2 22210
residential cleaning service manager TEER 0 60040
residential construction bricklayer TEER 2 72320
residential construction company president TEER 0 00015
residential construction foreman/woman TEER 2 72013
residential construction manager TEER 0 70010
residential construction painter TEER 3 73112
residential construction plumber TEER 2 72300
residential construction site manager TEER 0 70010
residential construction supervisor TEER 2 72013
residential construction wirer TEER 2 72200
residential counsellor - group home TEER 2 42201
residential door installer TEER 3 73200
residential electrician supervisor TEER 2 72011
residential energy sales adviser TEER 2 62100
residential floor and wall covering installer TEER 3 73113
residential home builder TEER 0 70011
residential homes contractor TEER 0 70011
residential insulation installer TEER 2 72321
residential oil burner installer and servicer TEER 2 72420
residential oil burner mechanic TEER 2 72420
residential painter TEER 3 73112
residential property manager TEER 3 13101
residential real estate agent TEER 3 63101
residential real estate salesperson TEER 3 63101
residential renovation contractor TEER 0 70011
residential room air conditioner installer TEER 3 73200
residential steep roofer TEER 3 73110
residential wall and floor covering installer TEER 3 73113
residential wireman/woman TEER 2 72200
residual metal recoverer TEER 4 94100
residue filter operator - zinc oxide leach TEER 4 94100
resilient floor installer TEER 3 73113
resilient floor layer TEER 3 73113
resistance brazer TEER 2 72106
resistance seam welder TEER 2 72106
resistance welder TEER 2 72106
resistance welder tender TEER 2 72106
resistance welder-setter TEER 2 72106
resistance welding machine setter TEER 2 72106
resistance welding set-up man/woman TEER 2 72106
resistor assembler - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
resistor machine feeder TEER 4 94201
resistor-processing equipment operator TEER 4 94201
resort campground manager TEER 0 60031
resort manager TEER 0 60031
resource economist TEER 1 41401
resource sharing and processing librarian TEER 1 51100
resource technician - forestry TEER 2 22112
respirator servicer and fitter TEER 3 73209
respiratory care nurse TEER 1 31301
respiratory care practitioner TEER 2 32103
respiratory disease specialist TEER 1 31100
respiratory nurse specialist TEER 1 31301
respiratory technician TEER 2 32103
respiratory technologist TEER 2 32103
respiratory therapist TEER 2 32103
respiratory therapy chief TEER 2 32103
respiratory therapy clinical instructor TEER 2 32103
respiratory therapy supervisor TEER 2 32103
respirologist TEER 1 31100
respite care aide TEER 3 33102
respite worker - home support TEER 4 44101
respooler - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
rest home cleaner TEER 5 65310
rest room attendant TEER 5 65310
rest room cleaner TEER 5 65310
restaurant assistant manager TEER 0 60030
restaurant cashier TEER 5 65100
restaurant chain corporate controller TEER 0 00014
restaurant cook TEER 3 63200
restaurant counter attendant TEER 5 65201
restaurant equipment sales representative TEER 4 64101
restaurant host/hostess TEER 4 64300
restaurant inspector TEER 1 21120
restaurant manager TEER 0 60030
restaurant manager trainee TEER 0 60030
restaurant purchasing agent TEER 2 12102
restaurant purchasing officer TEER 2 12102
restaurant waiter/waitress - formal service TEER 5 65200
restaurateur - food services TEER 0 60030
restoration carpenter TEER 2 72310
restoration steeplejack TEER 2 72999
restoration stonemason TEER 2 72320
restoration technician - museum TEER 3 53100
restorative dental hygienist TEER 2 32111
restrike hammer operator - metal forging TEER 4 94105
retail butcher TEER 3 63201
retail buyer TEER 2 62101
retail district manager TEER 0 60010
retail establishment president TEER 0 00014
retail investigator TEER 4 64410
retail loss investigator TEER 4 64410
retail management teacher TEER 1 41210
retail meat cutter TEER 5 65202
retail merchandiser TEER 2 62101
retail pharmacist TEER 1 31120
retail sales associate TEER 4 64100
retail sales clerk TEER 4 64100
retail sales manager TEER 0 60020
retail sales manager - e-commerce TEER 0 60020
retail sales representative TEER 4 64100
retail sales route supervisor TEER 2 62010
retail salesperson TEER 4 64100
retail shelf stocker TEER 5 65102
retail space planner TEER 2 52121
retail store department head TEER 2 62010
retail store owner TEER 0 60020
retail store supervisor TEER 2 62010
retailer TEER 0 60020
retarder operator - railway yard TEER 4 74200
retirement home manager TEER 0 60031
retort battery cook - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
retort tender - clay products TEER 4 94103
retort tender - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
retort unloader TEER 5 95102
retoucher - photography TEER 3 53110
retread tire inspection foreman/woman TEER 2 92013
retread tire inspection supervisor - rubber products manufacturing TEER 2 92013
return-to-work coordinator - disability management TEER 2 42201
return-to-work facilitator - disability management TEER 2 42201
returning officer TEER 1 41407
revenue accounting and controls section chief TEER 0 10010
revenue accounting clerk TEER 4 14200
revenue agent TEER 2 12104
revenue officer TEER 2 12104
revenue programs chief TEER 0 40011
revenue programs manager TEER 0 40011
revenue programs manager - government services TEER 0 40011
revenue recovery officer TEER 2 12104
revenue stamp cutter TEER 4 94122
revenue supervisor TEER 2 12104
reverberatory furnace operator - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100
reverend TEER 1 41302
reversing mill operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
reversing rolling mill operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
review lawyer TEER 1 41101
reviser - translation TEER 1 51114
rewarper - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
rewinder - pulp and paper TEER 4 94121
rewinder - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
rewinder tender - pulp and paper TEER 4 94121
rewriter TEER 1 51111
rheologist TEER 1 21100
rheumatologist TEER 1 31100
rhinologist TEER 1 31101
rib knitter - textiles TEER 4 94131
ribbing machine operator - textiles TEER 4 94131
ribbon inker TEER 4 94219
ribbon winder TEER 4 94219
ribbon-looping machine tender TEER 4 94219
rice mill worker TEER 4 94140
rice miller TEER 4 94140
ride attendant TEER 5 65211
ride mechanical technician TEER 2 72400
rider TEER 3 53200
riding instructor TEER 4 54100
riding master TEER 4 54100
rig electrician TEER 2 72201
rig manager TEER 2 82021
rig manager - oil and gas drilling TEER 2 82021
rig mechanic TEER 2 72400
rig mechanic helper TEER 5 75119
rig technician - driller TEER 3 83101
rig technician - oil field services TEER 4 84101
rig welder TEER 2 72106
rigger - aircraft assembly TEER 3 93200
rigger - construction TEER 5 75110
rigger - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts TEER 3 53111
rigger - telecommunications TEER 2 72204
rigger (except shipbuilding and aircraft assembly) TEER 5 75110
rigger helper - shipbuilding TEER 5 95101
rigger's helper - construction TEER 5 75110
rigging gaffer TEER 2 52119
rigging slinger - logging TEER 3 83110
right of way inspector TEER 3 43202
right-of-way agent TEER 2 12102
rimfire cartridge-priming machine tender TEER 4 94107
ring barker operator - wood processing TEER 4 94129
ring drill operator TEER 3 83100
ring frame operator - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
ring furnace operator TEER 4 94110
ring mandrel worker TEER 4 94219
ring mill operator - metal forging TEER 4 94105
ring spinner - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
ring stamper TEER 4 94219
rink attendant TEER 5 65211
rink ice maker TEER 5 65211
rink icer TEER 5 65211
rink supervisor TEER 5 65211
rinser - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
rip and groove machine tender - woodworking TEER 4 94124
rip-rap placer TEER 5 75110
ripper operator - heavy equipment TEER 3 73400
ripsaw grader-operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
ripsaw matcher - woodworking TEER 4 94124
ripsaw operator - sawmill TEER 4 94120
ripsaw operator - stone products TEER 4 94103
ripsaw operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
ripsawyer - stone products TEER 4 94103
risk management analyst TEER 1 41401
ritual slaughterer - meat packing plant TEER 4 94141
river and canal works engineer TEER 1 21300
river driver TEER 5 85120
river pilot TEER 2 72602
riverboat captain TEER 2 72602
rivet heater - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
rivet maker TEER 4 94107
rivet shaper TEER 4 94107
rivet tester - boat assembly TEER 4 94219
riveting machine operator - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
riveting machine tender - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
road and roll tester TEER 4 94200
road clerk TEER 4 14100
road construction boss TEER 2 72021
road construction foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
road construction inspector TEER 2 22233
road foreman/woman - railway transport TEER 2 72023
road form setter TEER 5 75110
road freight brakeman/woman TEER 3 73311
road gang foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
road grader operator TEER 3 73400
road grading inspector TEER 2 22233
road maintenance clerk TEER 4 14100
road maintenance foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
road maintenance worker TEER 5 75212
road maintenance worker - public works TEER 5 75212
road mixer operator TEER 3 73400
road mixer operator helper TEER 5 75110
road paving inspector TEER 2 22233
road planer operator TEER 3 73400
road roller operator TEER 3 73400
road safety inspector TEER 2 22231
road snowplow operator - public works TEER 4 74205
road spray truck helper TEER 5 75110
road technician TEER 2 22300
road test mechanic TEER 4 94200
road test mechanic - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
road traffic technician TEER 2 22300
road transport equipment restoration technician - museum TEER 3 53100
road transport inspector TEER 3 43202
road transport terminal attendant TEER 4 64409
roadheader operator TEER 3 83100
roadmaker - underground mining TEER 4 84100
roadmaster - railway TEER 2 72021
roadway lighting design engineer TEER 1 21310
roaster operator TEER 3 93100
roaster operator - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100
robotic paint sprayer attendant TEER 4 94213
robotic spray paint system attendant TEER 4 94213
robotics engineer TEER 1 21301
robotics servicing technician TEER 2 22301
robotics systems installer and repairer TEER 2 22301
robotics technician TEER 2 22301
robotics technologist TEER 2 22301
rock climbing guide TEER 4 64322
rock crusher foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
rock crusher tender - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 4 94100
rock crushing foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
rock duster - underground mining TEER 5 85110
rock mechanics technician TEER 2 22101
rock or brick sandblaster TEER 5 65311
rock singer TEER 1 51122
rock splitter TEER 5 95109
rock wool operator - stone products TEER 4 94103
rockbolter TEER 3 83100
rocket components mechanic - avionics TEER 2 22313
rod drawer - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
rod drawer helper - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
rod mill operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
rod puller and coiler - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
rod-bending machine operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105
rodent breeder TEER 0 80020
rodent control inspector TEER 1 21120
rodent control officer TEER 1 21120
rodent raiser TEER 0 80020
rodeo driver TEER 5 55109
rodeo horse rider TEER 5 55109
rodeo performer TEER 3 53200
rodman/woman - land surveying TEER 5 75119
rodworker apprentice TEER 2 72105
rolfer TEER 2 32209
rolfing movement teacher TEER 2 32209
roll bender operator - metal products manufacturing TEER 4 94105
roll builder - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
roll builder-repairer - rolling mills TEER 2 72400
roll building foreman/woman - rubber manufacturing TEER 2 92013
roll building supervisor - rubber products manufacturing TEER 2 92013
roll carrier - textile processing TEER 5 95105
roll changer - rubber manufacturing TEER 5 95104
roll coverer - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
roll finisher - paper TEER 4 94121
roll forger TEER 4 94105
roll grinder - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
roll hauler - textile processing TEER 5 95105
roll operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105
roll operator - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94111
roll operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
roll setter - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
roll setter - rolling mills TEER 2 72400
roll shop operations coach - steel mill TEER 2 92010
roll slicing machine tender - paper converting TEER 4 94122
roll table operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
roll tester - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
roll threader operator TEER 4 94107
roll turner - textile processing TEER 5 95105
roll wrapper - paper TEER 4 94121
roll-cutting machine tender - paper converting TEER 4 94122
roll-forming machine setter - metalworking TEER 4 94105
roll-mat machine feeder - textile processing TEER 5 95105
roll-slitting machine tender - paper converting TEER 4 94122
roll-straightener operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
roller - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
roller bearing assembly inspector TEER 4 94219
roller cleaner - textile processing TEER 5 95105
roller coverer - textile manufacturing TEER 2 72400
roller engraver - printing TEER 4 94151
roller machine tender - tannery TEER 4 94130
roller mill tender - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
roller operator TEER 3 73400
roller plate mill - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
roller printer - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
roller repairer - industrial equipment TEER 2 72400
roller repairer - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94212
roller repairer - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
roller repairman/woman - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94212
roller repairman/woman - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
roller room equipment tender - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
roller-leveller operator TEER 4 94100
roller-skating instructor TEER 4 54100
rollerblading instructor TEER 4 54100
rollerman/woman - wood processing TEER 5 95103
rolling foreman/woman - primary metal processing TEER 2 92010
rolling machine operator - metal forging TEER 4 94105
rolling machine tender - paper converting TEER 4 94122
rolling mill catcher - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
rolling mill control operator TEER 3 93100
rolling mill control operator - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100
rolling mill foreman/woman - primary metal processing TEER 2 92010
rolling mill guide setter - metal processing TEER 4 94100
rolling mill helper - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
rolling mill labourer - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
rolling mill operator - mineral and metal processing TEER 4 94100
rolling mill preparer - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
rolling mill worker TEER 5 95100
rolling mill worker - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
rolling pin maker - woodworking TEER 4 94124
roof bolter TEER 3 83100
roof painter TEER 3 73112
roof shinglers supervisor TEER 2 72014
roof shingling supervisor TEER 2 72014
roof tiler TEER 3 73110
roofer TEER 3 73110
roofer and waterproofer TEER 3 73110
roofer helper TEER 5 75110
roofer trainee TEER 3 73110
roofer-contractor (except metal roofs) TEER 2 72014
roofers (except sheet metal roofs) foreman/woman TEER 2 72014
roofers and shinglers supervisor TEER 2 72014
roofers foreman/woman TEER 2 72014
roofing contractor TEER 2 72014
roofing contractor (except sheet metal roofs) TEER 2 72014
roofing mechanic TEER 3 73110
roofing supervisor TEER 2 72014
room attendant TEER 5 65310
room cleaner TEER 5 65310
room clerk TEER 4 64314
room clerk - hotel TEER 4 64314
room flipper TEER 5 65210
room porter TEER 5 65210
room service clerk - hotel TEER 4 64314
room service waiter/waitress TEER 5 65200
rooming house keeper TEER 0 60031
rooms division director TEER 0 60031
rooms manager - accommodation services TEER 0 60031
rope access technician (RAT) TEER 2 72999
rope coiler TEER 4 94130
rope machine setter - textile manufacturing TEER 2 72400
rope maker - textiles TEER 4 94131
rope tow attendant TEER 5 65211
rope tow operator TEER 5 65211
rope twister TEER 4 94131
rope-coiling machine tender - textiles TEER 4 94131
rope-twisting machine tender TEER 4 94131
rose grower TEER 0 80021
rotary brush-making machine operator TEER 4 94219
rotary driller helper - raise mining TEER 4 84100
rotary driller helper - water well TEER 5 75110
rotary drilling machine operator TEER 3 73402
rotary drilling machine operator - surface mining and quarrying TEER 3 73402
rotary furnace tender - chemical processing TEER 3 93101
rotary kiln operator - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 4 94100
rotary kiln tender - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
rotary offset press operator TEER 3 73401
rotary press operator TEER 3 73401
rotary raise driller - underground mining TEER 3 83100
rotary raise driller helper TEER 4 84100
rotary shear operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105
rotary tiller assembler TEER 4 94204
rotary trencher operator TEER 3 73400
rotary-head milling machine set-up operator TEER 4 94106
rotating field coil assembler - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
rotational moulding operator TEER 4 94111
rotisserie chef TEER 2 62200
Roto-lift operator - foundry TEER 4 94101
rotogravure cylinder technician TEER 4 94151
rotogravure foreman/woman TEER 2 72022
rotogravure press operator - printing TEER 3 73401
rotogravure press operator - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
rotogravure press operators foreman/woman - printing TEER 2 72022
rotogravure press technician TEER 4 94151
rotogravure pressman/woman - printing TEER 3 73401
rotogravure pressmen/women foreman/woman - printing TEER 2 72022
rotoprinter - printing TEER 3 73401
rotor assembler - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
rotor coil former - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
rotor core assembler - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
rotorcraft aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) TEER 2 72404
rotorcraft maintenance engineer TEER 2 72404
rotorcraft mechanical systems technician TEER 2 72404
rototiller assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
rough benchwork spray painter TEER 4 94213
rough carpenter TEER 2 72310
rough mill operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
rough painter - construction TEER 3 73112
rough planer operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
rough shellac sprayer - furniture finishing and refinishing TEER 4 94210
rough spray painter - manufacturing TEER 4 94213
roughing mill operator - metal processing TEER 4 94100
roughneck TEER 5 85111
roughneck - offshore drilling rig TEER 5 85111
roughneck - oil and gas drilling TEER 5 85111
roulette croupier TEER 4 64321
roundhouse foreman/woman - railway TEER 2 72020
rounding and backing machine operator - printing TEER 4 94152
roustabout TEER 5 85111
roustabout - offshore drilling rig TEER 5 85111
roustabout - oil and gas drilling TEER 5 85111
route driver TEER 5 75201
route driver helper TEER 5 75211
route planning supervisor TEER 2 12013
route supply and return clerk TEER 4 64409
router operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106
router operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
rover - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
roving frame tender - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
roving machine operator - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
roving weight gauger - textiles TEER 4 94133
rower TEER 3 53200
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) commissioner TEER 0 40040
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer TEER 2 42100
royal commission officer TEER 1 41407
royalties manager - arts TEER 0 50011
royalty broker TEER 3 13200
rubber abrasive wheel grinder TEER 4 94103
rubber abrasive wheel maker TEER 4 94103
rubber and canvas footwear dipper TEER 5 95104
rubber and vinyl coater operator - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
rubber band cutter TEER 4 94112
rubber belt buffer TEER 4 94112
rubber belt builder TEER 4 94112
rubber belt cogger TEER 4 94112
rubber belt maker TEER 4 94112
rubber boot cutter TEER 4 94112
rubber boot maker TEER 4 94112
rubber cement mixer TEER 4 94112
rubber closure installer TEER 4 94112
rubber coater TEER 4 94112
rubber compound weigher TEER 5 95104
rubber compounder TEER 5 95104
rubber cord assembler TEER 4 94112
rubber cord cutter TEER 4 94112
rubber cord splicer TEER 4 94112
rubber curer - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
rubber cushion inspector TEER 4 94112
rubber cutter TEER 4 94112
rubber cutting machine feeder TEER 5 95104
rubber drum builder TEER 4 94112
rubber fire hose maker TEER 4 94112
rubber flap curer TEER 4 94112
rubber flap presser TEER 4 94112
rubber foam cushion fabricator TEER 4 94112
rubber footwear maker TEER 4 94112
rubber footwear moulding supervisor TEER 2 92013
rubber footwear parts buffer TEER 4 94112
rubber footwear repairer TEER 4 94112
rubber footwear tread machine tender TEER 4 94112
rubber fuel tank builder TEER 4 94112
rubber fuel tank finisher and repairer TEER 4 94112
rubber fuel tank foreman/woman TEER 2 92013
rubber gasket cutter TEER 4 94112
rubber gasket finisher TEER 4 94112
rubber gasket gluer TEER 4 94112
rubber gasket maker TEER 4 94112
rubber gasket making foreman/woman TEER 2 92013
rubber gear moulder TEER 4 94112
rubber glove maker TEER 4 94112
rubber golf ball cover treater TEER 4 94112
rubber goods assembler TEER 4 94112
rubber goods cutter-finisher TEER 4 94112
rubber goods dipping foreman/woman TEER 2 92013
rubber goods dipping supervisor TEER 2 92013
rubber goods inspector TEER 4 94112
rubber goods machine operator TEER 4 94112
rubber goods press operator TEER 4 94112
rubber goods repairer TEER 4 94112
rubber goods seamer TEER 5 95104
rubber grinder TEER 4 94112
rubber hose builder TEER 4 94112
rubber hose building supervisor TEER 2 92013
rubber hose checker TEER 5 95104
rubber hose foreman/woman TEER 2 92013
rubber hose inspection and testing foreman/woman TEER 2 92013
rubber lining installer TEER 4 94112
rubber manufacturing roll changer TEER 5 95104
rubber mill operator TEER 4 94112
rubber moulder operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
rubber press operator TEER 4 94112
rubber processing machine operator TEER 4 94112
rubber product sales representative - wholesale TEER 4 64101
rubber products assembler TEER 4 94112
rubber products inspection supervisor TEER 2 92013
rubber products inspector TEER 4 94112
rubber products inspector foreman/woman TEER 2 92013
rubber products inspectors supervisor TEER 2 92013
rubber products manufacturing foreman/woman TEER 2 92013
rubber products manufacturing helper TEER 5 95104
rubber products manufacturing inspector TEER 4 94112
rubber products manufacturing labourer TEER 5 95104
rubber products manufacturing machine operator helper TEER 5 95104
rubber products manufacturing supervisor TEER 2 92013
rubber products polisher TEER 4 94112
rubber products seamer TEER 5 95104
rubber products tester TEER 4 94112
rubber products trimmer TEER 4 94112
rubber products washer-dryer TEER 4 94112
rubber products-manufacturing plant manager TEER 0 90010
rubber roll grinding inspector TEER 4 94112
rubber shoe cementer TEER 4 94112
rubber shoe strap maker TEER 4 94112
rubber slab inspector TEER 4 94112
rubber snowtrack builder TEER 4 94112
rubber sole maker TEER 4 94112
rubber splicer TEER 4 94112
rubber splitter - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
rubber sponge gasket assembler TEER 4 94112
rubber squeegee splicer TEER 4 94112
rubber stamp maker TEER 4 94112
rubber stripper and applier TEER 4 94112
rubber trimmer TEER 4 94112
rubber tube vulcanizer tender TEER 4 94112
rubber tubing splicer TEER 4 94112
rubber V-belt builder TEER 4 94112
rubber V-belt coverer TEER 4 94112
rubber V-belt curer TEER 4 94112
rubber V-belt finisher TEER 4 94112
rubber V-belt skiver TEER 4 94112
rubber-coating and vinyl-coating machine operator - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
rubber-cutting machine feeder TEER 5 95104
rubber-cutting machine operator TEER 4 94112
rubber-strap-folding machine tender TEER 4 94112
rubberizing machine mechanic TEER 2 72400
rug cleaner TEER 5 65311
rug cleaning foreman/woman - dry cleaning TEER 2 62029
rug designer TEER 3 53123
rug installer TEER 3 73113
rug joiner TEER 4 94132
rug layer TEER 3 73113
rug setter - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
rug sewer TEER 4 94132
rug underlay machine operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
rug weaver TEER 4 94131
rug-coating machine operator TEER 4 94130
rug-yarn-setting machine operator - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
rughooker TEER 3 53124
ruling machine operator - printing TEER 4 94150
runner - courier service TEER 4 74102
runway manager TEER 0 70020
runway paving foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
rural and Aboriginal housing regional manager - government services TEER 0 40010
rural and Aboriginal housing services district director - government services TEER 0 40010
rural and Native housing regional manager - government services TEER 0 40010
rural and Native housing services district director - government services TEER 0 40010
rural development manager TEER 0 20011
rural development officer TEER 1 41402
rural development program manager TEER 0 20011
rural ecologist TEER 1 21110
rural electrification engineer TEER 1 21310
rural housing programs director - government services TEER 0 40010
rural mail carrier TEER 4 74101
rural sociologist TEER 1 41409
rural telephone maintainer TEER 2 72205
rustproof coater - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94213
rustproof sprayer - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94213

National Occupational Classification

 a |  b |  c |  d |  e |  f |  g |  h |  i |  j |  k |  l |  m |  n 

   o |  p |  q |  r |  s |  t |  u |  v |  w |  x |  y |  z |  2 |  3 |  9