National Occupational Classification

 a |  b |  c |  d |  e |  f |  g |  h |  i |  j |  k |  l |  m |  n 

   o |  p |  q |  r |  s |  t |  u |  v |  w |  x |  y |  z |  2 |  3 |  9 

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macaroni press operator TEER 4 94140
machine advertising signs printer TEER 4 94150
machine ball fringe maker TEER 4 94131
machine base cement filler - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine binder - printing TEER 4 94152
machine bookbinder TEER 4 94152
machine bronzer - printing TEER 4 94152
machine builder TEER 2 72405
machine builder-fitter TEER 2 72405
machine builders foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
machine bullet shaper - metal products manufacturing TEER 4 94107
machine button sewer TEER 4 94132
machine cardboard maker TEER 4 94122
machine carver - woodworking TEER 4 94124
machine cement pipe shaper - clay products TEER 4 94103
machine chain maker TEER 4 94107
machine chain tester TEER 4 94107
machine cigar maker TEER 4 94140
machine cigar wrapper TEER 5 95106
machine collator and gluer - printing TEER 4 94152
machine colour card maker TEER 4 94122
machine compositor - typesetting TEER 4 14112
machine container washer - food and beverage processing TEER 5 95106
machine contour grinder - concrete, clay and stone products TEER 4 94103
machine cutter - printing TEER 4 94152
machine decorator - clay products TEER 4 94103
machine designer TEER 2 22301
machine drapery pleater TEER 4 94219
machine enameller TEER 4 94213
machine engraver - arts and crafts TEER 3 53124
machine engraver - manufacturing TEER 4 94219
machine envelope flap gummer - paper converting TEER 4 94122
machine feeder TEER 5 95109
machine felt cutter TEER 5 95105
machine fitter TEER 2 72405
machine fitter charge hand TEER 2 72405
machine fitters foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
machine fitters supervisor TEER 2 72020
machine flesher - hide and pelt processing TEER 4 94130
machine folder - printing TEER 4 94152
machine fur cleaner TEER 5 65320
machine gatherer and gluer - printing TEER 4 94152
machine greenware turner - clay products TEER 4 94103
machine hat presser - hat manufacturing TEER 4 94219
machine heel maker TEER 4 94219
machine helper - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 5 95100
machine hose cutter and brander - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
machine hose maker - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
machine knitter helper TEER 5 95105
machine knitting mender TEER 4 94131
machine learning engineer TEER 1 21211
machine learning specialist TEER 1 21211
machine loom drawer-in TEER 4 94131
machine loom threader TEER 4 94131
machine maintenance foreman/woman - manufacturing TEER 2 72020
machine marble polisher - stone products TEER 4 94103
machine marker TEER 4 94150
machine mechanic-fitter helper TEER 5 75119
machine net maker - textiles TEER 4 94131
machine offbearer - rubber products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
machine operator - electrical appliance and equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine operator - electrical appliance manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine operator - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine operator - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
machine operator - fish processing TEER 4 94142
machine operator - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
machine operator - garment manufacturing TEER 4 94132
machine operator - glass forming and finishing TEER 4 94102
machine operator - laundry and dry cleaning TEER 5 65320
machine operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106
machine operator - mineral and metal processing TEER 4 94100
machine operator - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
machine operator - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94111
machine operator - plastics processing TEER 4 94111
machine operator - plating and metal spraying TEER 4 94213
machine operator - railway TEER 4 74200
machine operator - textile fibre, yarn, hide and pelt processing TEER 4 94130
machine operator - tobacco processing TEER 4 94140
machine operator - welding, brazing and soldering TEER 2 72106
machine packager TEER 5 95109
machine pad gluer - paper converting TEER 4 94122
machine panel jointer - woodworking TEER 4 94124
machine pie maker TEER 4 94140
machine plug moulder - tobacco processing TEER 4 94140
machine power saw operator TEER 4 94105
machine presser - laundry and dry cleaning TEER 5 65320
machine processing accountant TEER 1 11100
machine riveter - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine roll cutter - paper converting TEER 4 94122
machine roll slitter - paper converting TEER 4 94122
machine router - metal machining TEER 4 94106
machine sander - woodworking TEER 4 94124
machine set-up operator - electric equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine set-up operator - electrical appliance manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine set-up operator - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine set-up operator - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94111
machine shop bench hand - metal products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
machine shop charge hand TEER 2 72100
machine shop electrical repairer TEER 2 72201
machine shop foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machine shop helper - metal products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
machine shop inspector TEER 2 72100
machine shop inspectors foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machine shop keeper TEER 4 14401
machine shop layer-out TEER 4 94106
machine shop layout marker TEER 4 94106
machine shop supervisor TEER 2 72010
machine shotgun-shell printer TEER 4 94150
machine side stitcher - printing TEER 4 94152
machine sign printer TEER 4 94150
machine sign writer TEER 4 94150
machine skiver - leather products manufacturing TEER 4 94219
machine sleeve assembler - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine splitter - sawmill TEER 4 94120
machine spreader - garment manufacturing TEER 5 95109
machine stitcher - binding TEER 4 94152
machine stone buffer TEER 4 94103
machine stone polisher TEER 4 94103
machine stone splitter TEER 4 94103
machine stripper - tobacco processing TEER 4 94140
machine tassel maker TEER 4 94131
machine tobacco packer TEER 5 95106
machine tool builder TEER 2 72405
machine tool builder-integrator TEER 2 72405
machine tool designer TEER 2 22301
machine tool grinding foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machine tool integrator TEER 2 72405
machine tool operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106
machine tool operators foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machine tool set-up operator TEER 4 94106
machine tool setter TEER 4 94106
machine trimmer - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
machine try-out tester TEER 4 94204
machine tube assembler - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine tube maker - paper converting TEER 4 94122
machine tuber - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine tuber - paper converting TEER 4 94122
machine type solderer TEER 2 72106
machine typecaster TEER 4 14112
machine warp tier-in - textiles TEER 4 94131
machine washer - laundry and dry cleaning TEER 5 65320
machine wedger TEER 5 95109
machine welder TEER 2 72106
machine wire drawer TEER 4 94100
machine wire rewinder TEER 4 94107
machine wire-cutter and wire-stripper - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
machine-tool setter - metal machining TEER 4 94106
machined parts inspector TEER 2 72100
machinery assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
machinery manufacturing fitter TEER 2 72405
machinery manufacturing foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
machinery salesperson TEER 2 62100
machinery salvager TEER 3 73209
machining and tooling inspector TEER 2 72100
machining and tooling inspectors foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machining equipment set-up operator TEER 4 94106
machining foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machining foreman/woman - furniture and fixtures manufacturing TEER 2 92022
machining inspector TEER 2 72100
machining inspectors foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machining supervisor TEER 2 72010
machining tool foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machining tool operator TEER 4 94106
machining tool operators foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machinist TEER 2 72100
machinist apprentice TEER 2 72100
machinist-electrician TEER 2 52119
machinists and machine tool set-up operators foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machinists foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
machinists supervisor TEER 2 72010
made-to-measure garment tailor TEER 4 64200
maestro TEER 1 51121
magazine distribution agent - retail TEER 5 65109
magazine editor TEER 1 51110
magazine keeper TEER 4 14401
magazine sales representative TEER 4 64101
magazine sales representative - wholesale TEER 4 64101
magazine salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
magazine shop clerk TEER 4 64100
magazine subscription solicitor TEER 5 65109
magician TEER 5 55109
magistrate court judge TEER 1 41100
magnetic flame cutting machine operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105
magnetic observer TEER 2 22101
magnetic particle technician TEER 2 22230
magnetic particle tester TEER 2 22230
magnetic particle testing technician TEER 2 22230
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologist TEER 2 32121
magnetic resonance technologist TEER 2 32121
magnetic separator operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
magnetic valve assembler TEER 4 94219
magnetism physicist TEER 1 21100
magnetometer assembler - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
maid - cleaning services TEER 5 65310
mail and message distribution clerk TEER 4 14101
mail and postal clerks supervisor TEER 2 72025
mail carrier TEER 4 74101
mail carriers supervisor TEER 2 72025
mail clerk TEER 4 64401
mail clerks supervisor TEER 2 72025
mail collector TEER 4 74101
mail counter clerk TEER 4 64401
mail courier - courier service TEER 4 74102
mail deliverer TEER 4 74101
mail dispatcher TEER 4 74100
mail distribution clerk TEER 4 74100
mail facilities senior administrator TEER 2 72025
mail filing clerk TEER 4 74100
mail handler TEER 4 74100
mail operations manager TEER 0 70021
mail order clerk TEER 4 14100
mail order filler TEER 4 14100
mail processing clerk TEER 4 74100
mail processing plant manager TEER 0 70021
mail processing plant superintendent TEER 0 70021
mail room assistant TEER 4 64401
mail room clerk TEER 4 64401
mail room supervisor TEER 2 72025
mail service courier TEER 4 74102
mail service dispatcher TEER 4 14404
mail sortation clerk TEER 4 74100
mail sorter TEER 4 74100
mail tracing clerk TEER 4 74100
mail-processing equipment mechanic TEER 2 72400
mail-sorting system operator TEER 4 74100
mailer TEER 4 64401
mailing list compiler TEER 4 14301
mailing machine operator TEER 4 74100
main bearing borer - metal machining TEER 4 94106
mainframe systems programmer TEER 1 21230
maintenance and repair plumber TEER 2 72300
maintenance and repair plumber (non-construction) TEER 2 72300
maintenance and service manager TEER 0 70012
maintenance and service superintendent TEER 0 70012
maintenance boilermaker TEER 2 72103
maintenance bricklayer TEER 2 72320
maintenance carpenter TEER 2 72310
maintenance carpenter helper TEER 5 75110
maintenance carpenter-joiner TEER 2 72310
maintenance carpenters foreman/woman TEER 2 72013
maintenance cement mason TEER 3 73100
maintenance coordinator TEER 0 70012
maintenance director TEER 0 70012
maintenance electrician - industrial TEER 2 72201
maintenance electricians foreman/woman TEER 2 72011
maintenance electricians supervisor TEER 2 72011
maintenance engineering lead – Industrial and manufacturing TEER 1 21321
maintenance engineering lead – mechanical TEER 1 21301
maintenance equipment operator - public works TEER 4 74205
maintenance inspector - construction TEER 2 22233
maintenance joiner TEER 2 72310
maintenance labourer - public works TEER 5 75212
maintenance lineman/woman - electric power systems TEER 2 72203
maintenance machine shop foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
maintenance machinist TEER 2 72100
maintenance manager TEER 0 70012
maintenance mechanic TEER 2 72400
maintenance mechanic - utilities TEER 2 72400
maintenance mechanic technician - industrial TEER 2 72400
maintenance millwright TEER 2 72400
maintenance of way employee - railway TEER 4 74200
maintenance of way inspector - railway TEER 4 74200
maintenance operations manager TEER 0 70012
maintenance operations superintendent TEER 0 70012
maintenance painter TEER 3 73112
maintenance person - building TEER 3 73201
maintenance pipefitter TEER 2 72301
maintenance planner TEER 0 70012
maintenance plumber TEER 2 72300
maintenance service clerk TEER 4 64409
maintenance services dispatcher TEER 4 14404
maintenance services manager TEER 0 70012
maintenance sheet metal worker TEER 2 72102
maintenance superintendent TEER 0 70012
maintenance support services chief TEER 0 70012
maintenance technician - non-destructive testing (NDT) TEER 2 22230
maintenance utility worker TEER 4 74204
maintenance welder TEER 2 72106
maintenance worker supervisor - campground TEER 2 82031
maintenance-of-way foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
maître d' TEER 4 64300
maître d'hôtel TEER 4 64300
major TEER 0 40042
major community projects coordinator TEER 0 40030
major electric appliance repairer TEER 2 72421
major electric household appliance installer TEER 3 73200
major electrical appliance installer TEER 3 73200
major electrical appliance repairer TEER 2 72421
major electrical appliance servicer TEER 2 72421
major general TEER 0 40042
make up artist – beauty salon, spa and retail TEER 3 63211
make-up artist - motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts TEER 2 52119
make-up artist - special effects TEER 2 52119
make-up artist and hairdresser - performing arts TEER 2 52119
make-up artist and wig maker TEER 2 52119
make-up consultant TEER 4 64201
malacology technician TEER 2 22110
malariologist TEER 1 21110
malt dryer tender - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
malt house kiln operator - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
malt roaster - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
malthouse operator - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
malthouse worker TEER 5 75101
maltster - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
mammalogist TEER 1 21110
mammalogy technician TEER 2 22110
mammalogy technologist TEER 2 22110
mammography technician TEER 2 32121
mammography technologist TEER 2 32121
management accountant TEER 1 11100
management accounting chief TEER 1 11100
management analyst TEER 1 11201
management consultant TEER 1 11201
management consulting service manager TEER 0 10029
management information system (MIS) manager TEER 0 20012
management information systems (MIS) analyst TEER 1 21222
management information systems (MIS) consultant TEER 1 21222
management planning officer TEER 3 13100
management seminar leader TEER 1 41210
management services clerk - mail and postal services TEER 4 64401
management services division chief TEER 0 10019
management services division head - business services TEER 0 10029
management trainee - retail TEER 0 60020
manager - First Nations TEER 0 00011
manager - marketing services TEER 0 10022
manager - retail store chain TEER 0 60020
manager of accounting department TEER 0 10010
manager of auditing department TEER 0 10010
manager of mining operations TEER 0 80010
manager trainee - retail TEER 0 60020
managing bartender TEER 4 64301
managing director TEER 0 10019
managing editor TEER 0 50011
managing editor - newspaper or periodical TEER 0 50011
managing optician TEER 2 32100
managing supervisor - retail TEER 0 60020
mandolin maker TEER 3 53124
mandrel builder - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
mangler tender - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
manicurist TEER 3 63211
manipulator machine operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
manipulator operator TEER 4 94105
manipulator operator - metal forging TEER 4 94105
mannequin artist TEER 2 52111
mannequin assembler TEER 4 94219
mannequin moulder - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94111
mannequin wig maker TEER 4 94219
manual arts therapist TEER 2 32109
manual cable ferry operator TEER 5 75210
manual compositor TEER 4 14112
manual concrete vibrator operator TEER 5 75110
manual curb builder TEER 5 75110
manual moulder TEER 4 94101
manual sewer pipe cleaner TEER 5 75212
manual sidewalk cleaner TEER 5 75212
manual stone spreader operator TEER 5 75110
manual street cleaner TEER 5 75212
manual street sweeper TEER 5 75212
manual terrazzo grinder TEER 5 75110
manual writer TEER 1 51112
manufactured home assembler TEER 4 94211
manufactured house carpenter TEER 2 72310
manufactured housing production worker TEER 4 94211
manufacturer's agent - wholesale (non-technical) TEER 4 64101
manufacturer's representative - wholesale (non-technical) TEER 4 64101
manufacturer's sales representative TEER 2 62100
manufacturers' association analyst TEER 1 41402
manufacturers' association manager TEER 0 40030
manufacturing accountant TEER 1 11100
manufacturing company chief executive officer TEER 0 00015
manufacturing company manager TEER 0 90010
manufacturing coordinator TEER 2 92024
manufacturing cost estimator TEER 2 22302
manufacturing electrical tester TEER 4 94202
manufacturing engineer TEER 1 21321
manufacturing engineering lead TEER 1 21321
manufacturing industry manager TEER 0 90010
manufacturing machinery assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
manufacturing machinery fitter TEER 2 72405
manufacturing manager TEER 0 90010
manufacturing operations manager TEER 0 90010
manufacturing operator - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
manufacturing order clerk TEER 4 14402
manufacturing orders clerks supervisor TEER 2 12013
manufacturing painter TEER 4 94213
manufacturing plant manager TEER 0 90010
manufacturing plant superintendent TEER 0 90010
manufacturing quality assurance director TEER 0 90010
manufacturing research director TEER 0 20011
manufacturing technician TEER 2 22302
manufacturing technician - industrial engineering TEER 2 22302
manufacturing technologist TEER 2 22302
manuscript editor TEER 1 51110
manuscript proofreader TEER 4 14301
map clerk TEER 4 14100
map draftsman/woman TEER 2 22214
map editor TEER 2 22214
maple products foreman/woman - agriculture TEER 2 82030
maple syrup maker TEER 5 85101
maple syrup producer TEER 0 80020
maple tapping worker TEER 5 85101
mapping engineer TEER 1 21300
mapping pilot TEER 2 72600
mapping technician TEER 2 22214
maraschino cherry processor - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
marble and terrazzo contractor-setter TEER 2 72014
marble and terrazzo setter-contractor TEER 2 72014
marble and terrazzo setting contractor TEER 2 72014
marble carver - concrete, clay and stone forming TEER 4 94103
marble cutter TEER 4 94103
marble layer TEER 3 73101
marble mason TEER 3 73101
marble mechanic TEER 3 73101
marble setter TEER 3 73101
marble setter helper TEER 5 75110
marble setters foreman/woman TEER 2 72014
marble setting foreman/woman TEER 2 72014
marble tilesetter TEER 3 73101
margarine blender TEER 4 94140
margarine clarifier - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
margarine processor TEER 4 94140
margin calculation clerk - financial sector TEER 4 14201
marina attendant TEER 5 65101
marina manager TEER 0 70012
marina operator TEER 0 70012
marina worker TEER 5 65101
marine and aircraft underwriter - insurance TEER 2 12202
marine biological technician TEER 2 22110
marine biologist TEER 1 21110
marine biology technician TEER 2 22110
marine biology technologist TEER 2 22110
marine boilermaker TEER 2 72103
marine cargo surveyor TEER 2 22231
marine claims adjuster - insurance TEER 2 12201
marine craft plastic panelling assembler TEER 4 94212
marine culture technologist TEER 2 22110
marine damage surveyor TEER 2 22231
marine drafting supervisor TEER 2 22212
marine electrician TEER 2 72201
marine electrician helper TEER 5 75119
marine electricians foreman/woman TEER 2 72011
marine engine mechanic TEER 2 72400
marine engine mechanic apprentice TEER 2 72400
marine engine oiler TEER 4 74201
marine engine quality-control assembly inspector TEER 4 94204
marine engineer TEER 1 21399
marine engineer officer TEER 2 72603
marine engineer officer - water transport TEER 2 72603
marine engineer officer-cadet (except armed forces) TEER 2 72603
marine engineering manager TEER 0 20010
marine engineering mechanic TEER 4 74201
marine engineering technician TEER 4 74201
marine engineering technologist TEER 2 22301
marine equipment electrician TEER 2 72201
marine farming technologist TEER 2 22110
marine geologist TEER 1 21102
marine geophysicist TEER 1 21102
marine geoscience technologist TEER 2 22101
marine hydrobiologist TEER 1 21110
marine insurance adjuster TEER 2 12201
marine mammal trainer TEER 1 21110
marine mechanical engineer TEER 1 21301
marine oiler TEER 4 74201
marine operations manager TEER 0 70020
marine operations superintendent TEER 0 70020
marine pipe fitters foreman/woman TEER 2 72012
marine pipefitter TEER 2 72301
marine pipefitters foreman/woman TEER 2 72012
marine plant gatherer TEER 5 85102
marine plumber TEER 2 72300
marine railway operator TEER 3 73400
marine repair technician TEER 2 72423
marine second engineer - water transport TEER 2 72603
marine senior engineer - water transport TEER 2 72603
marine service foreman/woman - engine repair TEER 2 72020
marine service technician TEER 2 72423
marine service technician apprentice TEER 2 72423
marine steamfitter TEER 2 72301
marine steel fitter TEER 2 72104
marine superintendent TEER 0 70020
marine surveyor TEER 2 22231
marine systems engineer TEER 1 21399
marine traffic controller TEER 2 72604
marine traffic regulator TEER 2 72604
marine transportation operations manager TEER 0 70020
marine underwriter - insurance TEER 2 12202
marine wireman/woman TEER 2 72201
marionette handler TEER 5 55109
marital counsellor TEER 1 41301
maritime art painter TEER 3 53122
marker - laundry and dry cleaning TEER 5 65320
marker - post-secondary teaching assistance TEER 1 41201
marker - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
market analysis director - government services TEER 0 40011
market analyst - non-financial TEER 1 41402
market development director TEER 0 40011
market development manager TEER 0 10022
market garden worker TEER 5 85101
market gardener TEER 0 80020
market intelligence analyst TEER 1 41402
market research analyst TEER 1 41402
market research service manager TEER 0 10029
market research specialist TEER 1 41402
market researcher TEER 1 41402
marketing analyst TEER 1 41402
marketing analytics analyst TEER 1 41402
marketing consultant TEER 1 11202
marketing coordinator TEER 1 11202
marketing data analyst TEER 1 41402
marketing director TEER 0 10022
marketing executive TEER 0 10022
marketing manager TEER 0 10022
marketing project manager TEER 1 11202
marketing researcher TEER 1 41402
marketing specialist TEER 1 11202
marketing teacher - college level TEER 1 41210
marketing vice-president - airline TEER 0 00015
marketing vice-president - clerical staff services TEER 0 00012
marketing vice-president - financial, communications and other business services TEER 0 00012
marketing vice-president - goods production, utilities, transportation and construction TEER 0 00015
marketing vice-president - grocery store chain TEER 0 00014
marketing vice-president - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations TEER 0 00013
marketing vice-president - trade, broadcasting and other services TEER 0 00014
markup person - typesetting TEER 4 14112
marquetry worker - furniture manufacturing TEER 4 94210
marriage and family therapist TEER 1 41301
marriage consultant TEER 1 41301
marriage counsellor TEER 1 41301
marriage therapist TEER 1 41301
marshmallow maker TEER 4 94140
martial arts instructor TEER 4 54100
marzipan maker TEER 4 94140
mascot TEER 5 55109
mash dryer - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
mash operator - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
mashgiach - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94143
masker TEER 5 95109
mason's helper TEER 5 75110
masonry inspector TEER 2 22233
masonry pointer and caulker TEER 5 75110
masonry silo erector TEER 2 72320
mass spectrometer technician TEER 2 22100
mass spectrometer technologist TEER 2 22100
mass spectrometry technician TEER 2 22100
mass transit services analyst TEER 1 21202
massage parlour manager TEER 0 60040
massage therapist (MT) TEER 2 32201
massager TEER 5 65229
masseur/masseuse TEER 5 65229
masso kinesitherapist TEER 2 32201
massotherapist TEER 2 32201
master - inland waters TEER 2 72602
master - minor waters TEER 2 72602
master - water transport TEER 2 72602
master chef TEER 2 62200
master control room (MCR) equipment operator - broadcasting TEER 2 52112
master control room (MCR) technician - broadcasting TEER 2 52112
master dyer - textiles TEER 2 22100
master glass blower TEER 3 53124
master glassmaker TEER 3 53124
master grower - cannabis TEER 0 80021
master machinist TEER 2 72100
master mariner TEER 2 72602
master of ceremonies (MC) TEER 2 52114
master operator - chemical processing TEER 3 93101
master pattern cutter TEER 5 95105
master record cutter TEER 2 52113
master tailor TEER 4 64200
match head maker TEER 4 94110
match inspector TEER 4 94219
matchbook comb-cutting machine tender TEER 4 94122
matchbook folding-stapling machine tender TEER 4 94122
matchbook inspector TEER 4 94219
matcher - furniture finishing and refinishing TEER 4 94210
mate - water transport TEER 2 72602
material and services purchasing manager TEER 0 10012
material checker TEER 4 14402
material clerks supervisor TEER 2 12013
material control coordinator TEER 3 13201
material control manager TEER 0 10019
material coordinator TEER 3 13201
material estimator TEER 4 14402
material handler TEER 5 75101
material handler - manufacturing and warehousing TEER 5 75101
material handling equipment mechanic TEER 2 72400
material keeper TEER 4 14401
material management officer TEER 2 12102
material manager TEER 0 10012
material mender TEER 4 94132
material purchasing officer TEER 2 12102
material testing civil engineer TEER 1 21300
material-handling equipment assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
material-handling equipment salesperson TEER 2 62100
materialman/woman TEER 4 84100
materialman/woman - underground mining TEER 4 84100
materials coordinator TEER 2 12102
materials engineer TEER 1 21322
materials engineering scientist TEER 1 21109
materials handling technician TEER 2 22302
materials scientist TEER 1 21109
materials testing technician TEER 2 22300
materials testing technologist TEER 2 22300
mathematical biophysicist TEER 1 21100
mathematical economist TEER 1 41401
mathematical services manager TEER 0 20011
mathematical statistician TEER 1 21210
mathematician TEER 1 21210
mathematics coordinator - education TEER 1 41405
mathematics department director TEER 0 20011
mathematics professor - university TEER 1 41200
mathematics program manager TEER 0 20011
mathematics teacher - college level TEER 1 41210
mathematics teacher - secondary school TEER 1 41220
matron - correctional service TEER 3 43201
matting inspection foreman/woman - rubber manufacturing TEER 2 92013
matting inspection supervisor - rubber products manufacturing TEER 2 92013
mattress assembler - furniture manufacturing TEER 4 94210
mattress maker TEER 4 94210
mattress manufacturing foreman/woman TEER 2 92022
mattress manufacturing inspector TEER 4 94210
mattress sewing machine operator TEER 4 94131
mayor TEER 0 00010
meals-on-wheels worker TEER 2 42201
measurement specialist - oil and gas TEER 2 22231
measurement technician - oil and gas inspection TEER 2 22231
measurement technician - oil and gas installation TEER 2 22312
measurer TEER 5 75110
measures technician TEER 2 22300
measuring machine tender - hide and pelt processing TEER 4 94130
meat boner TEER 4 94141
meat buyer TEER 2 62101
meat canner TEER 4 94140
meat chef TEER 2 62200
meat chopper - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
meat chopper - meat packing plant TEER 4 94141
meat cook - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
meat counter clerk TEER 4 64100
meat curer TEER 4 94140
meat cutter - meat packing plant TEER 4 94141
meat cutter - retail or wholesale TEER 5 65202
meat cutter helper - supermarket TEER 5 65102
meat cutting plant foreman/woman TEER 2 92012
meat department assistant - supermarket TEER 5 65102
meat department manager - food store TEER 0 60020
meat department manager - retail TEER 0 60020
meat department supervisor TEER 2 62010
meat dresser - meat packing plant TEER 4 94141
meat dryer TEER 5 95106
meat grader TEER 4 94143
meat grinder - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
meat hygiene inspector TEER 2 22111
meat inspection supervisor TEER 2 22111
meat inspector TEER 2 22111
meat loaf trimmer TEER 5 95106
meat mincer - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
meat mincer - packaging TEER 4 94140
meat mixer TEER 4 94140
meat mould sealer TEER 5 95106
meat mould stripper TEER 5 95106
meat moulder - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
meat packager TEER 5 95106
meat packager - food and beverage processing TEER 5 95106
meat packer - food and beverage processing TEER 5 95106
meat packing supervisor TEER 2 92012
meat pickler TEER 4 94140
meat portion cutter - meat packing plant TEER 4 94141
meat portion cutter - retail or wholesale TEER 5 65202
meat press tender TEER 5 95106
meat roll tier - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94141
meat salter TEER 4 94140
meat sawyer - meat packing plant TEER 4 94141
meat tenderizer - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94141
meat trimmer TEER 4 94141
meat trimmer - meat packing plant TEER 4 94141
meat vacuum wrapper TEER 5 95106
meat washer TEER 5 95106
meat wrapper TEER 5 95106
meat wrapper - grocery store TEER 5 65102
meat-packing plant labourer TEER 5 95106
meat-rolling machine tender TEER 5 95106
meat, poultry and fish chef TEER 2 62200
mechanic - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 2 72410
mechanic - utilities TEER 2 72400
mechanic helper TEER 5 75119
mechanic-fitter helper TEER 5 75119
mechanic's helper - automotive TEER 5 75119
mechanical assembler TEER 4 94204
mechanical assembler group leader TEER 4 94204
mechanical assemblers lead hand TEER 4 94204
mechanical assistant - water transport TEER 4 74201
mechanical building draftsperson TEER 2 22212
mechanical composition foreman/woman - printing TEER 2 72022
mechanical design draftsperson TEER 2 22212
mechanical design engineer TEER 1 21301
mechanical draftsperson TEER 2 22212
mechanical engineer TEER 1 21301
mechanical engineering design technologist TEER 2 22301
mechanical engineering development technologist TEER 2 22301
mechanical engineering equipment designer TEER 2 22301
mechanical engineering lead TEER 1 21301
mechanical engineering manager TEER 0 20010
mechanical engineering professor - university TEER 1 41200
mechanical engineering project manager TEER 1 21301
mechanical engineering technician TEER 2 22301
mechanical engineering technologist TEER 2 22301
mechanical equipment engineering assistant TEER 2 22301
mechanical equipment repair inspection foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
mechanical equipment repair inspectors foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
mechanical estimator - construction TEER 2 22303
mechanical fitter TEER 2 72405
mechanical harvester and forwarder operator TEER 3 83110
mechanical harvester operator - logging TEER 3 83110
mechanical hoist operator TEER 2 72500
mechanical hydraulic engineer TEER 1 21301
mechanical inspector - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
mechanical inspectors foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
mechanical insulator tester TEER 5 95109
mechanical maintenance engineer TEER 1 21301
mechanical maintenance foreman/woman - utilities TEER 2 72020
mechanical maintenance supervisor TEER 2 72020
mechanical maintenance supervisor - manufacturing TEER 2 72020
mechanical marine engineering technician TEER 2 22301
mechanical meter repairer TEER 3 73209
mechanical power engineer TEER 1 21301
mechanical press operator - metal products manufacturing TEER 4 94105
mechanical press operator helper - metal products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
mechanical pump assembler TEER 4 94204
mechanical quality assurance inspector - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
mechanical services superintendent TEER 0 70012
mechanical sweeper operator - public works TEER 4 74205
mechanical systems aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) TEER 2 72404
mechanical tamper operator - railway TEER 4 74200
mechanical technical inspector TEER 2 22301
mechanical technologist TEER 2 22301
mechanical technology teacher - college level TEER 1 41210
mechanical test technician - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
mechanical tree processor and loader operator TEER 3 83110
mechanical tree processor operator - logging TEER 3 83110
mechanical upgrader - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 2 72410
mechanics foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
mechanics physicist TEER 1 21100
mechanistic toxicologist TEER 1 21110
mechatronic engineer TEER 1 21301
media advertising manager TEER 0 10022
media buyer TEER 2 12102
media coordinator TEER 1 11202
media estimator TEER 2 12102
media events coordinator TEER 1 11202
media relations coordinator TEER 1 11202
media relations director TEER 0 10022
media relations manager TEER 0 10022
media relations officer TEER 1 11202
media time and space buyer TEER 2 12102
media time sales representative TEER 4 64101
media transcriber TEER 2 12110
media transcriptionist TEER 2 12110
mediator TEER 1 11200
mediator - labour relations TEER 1 11200
medical adjudicator - Canada Pension Plan TEER 1 41404
medical administrative assistant TEER 3 13112
medical aide TEER 3 33102
medical archivist TEER 2 12111
medical assistant (paramedic) TEER 2 32102
medical attendant - patient transfer TEER 3 33102
medical bacteriologist TEER 1 31100
medical biochemist TEER 1 21101
medical biochemist - physician TEER 1 31100
medical biophysicist TEER 1 21100
medical chemist TEER 1 21101
medical claims assessor - insurance TEER 2 12201
medical clinic assistant TEER 3 33109
medical clinic director TEER 0 30010
medical clinic receptionist TEER 4 14101
medical device reprocessing technician TEER 3 33109
medical device reprocessor TEER 3 33109
medical dictatypist TEER 2 12110
medical director TEER 0 30010
medical doctor TEER 1 31102
medical editor TEER 1 51110
medical electrophysiology technologist TEER 2 32123
medical engineering biophysicist TEER 1 21100
medical equipment and supplies salesperson TEER 2 62100
medical examiner TEER 1 41310
medical geneticist TEER 1 31100
medical genetics specialist TEER 1 31100
medical illustrator TEER 2 52120
medical imaging technologist - nuclear medicine TEER 2 32121
medical imaging technologist - radiodiagnosis TEER 2 32121
medical imaging technologist - ultrasound TEER 2 32122
medical information assistant TEER 2 12100
medical instrument sterilizer TEER 3 33109
medical instruments repairer TEER 2 22310
medical instruments sales agent TEER 2 62100
medical intensive care nurse TEER 1 31301
medical laboratory aide TEER 3 33101
medical laboratory assistant TEER 3 33101
medical laboratory biochemistry technologist TEER 2 32120
medical laboratory charge technologist TEER 2 32120
medical laboratory cytotechnologist TEER 2 32120
medical laboratory equipment repairer TEER 2 22310
medical laboratory helper TEER 3 33101
medical laboratory microbiology technologist TEER 2 32120
medical laboratory technical assistant TEER 3 33101
medical laboratory technician TEER 3 33101
medical laboratory technologist TEER 2 32120
medical laboratory technologist - anatomical pathology TEER 2 32120
medical laboratory technologist – core laboratory TEER 2 32120
medical laboratory technologists supervisor TEER 2 32120
medical laboratory tissue technologist TEER 2 32120
medical librarian TEER 1 51100
medical material handler TEER 3 33109
medical microbiologist TEER 1 31100
medical missionary TEER 1 31102
medical office assistant TEER 4 14101
medical office secretary-receptionist TEER 4 14101
medical officer - Canadian armed forces TEER 1 31102
medical officer of health (MOH) TEER 1 31102
medical oncologist TEER 1 31100
medical oncology specialist TEER 1 31100
medical orderly TEER 3 33102
medical parasitologist TEER 1 31100
medical parasitology biologist TEER 1 21110
medical pathologist TEER 1 31100
medical photographer TEER 3 53110
medical physicist TEER 1 21100
medical physiologist TEER 1 31100
medical Qi gong practitioner TEER 2 32200
medical radiation technologist (MRT) TEER 2 32121
medical radiation technologists - Canadian armed forces TEER 2 32121
medical radiation technologists supervisor TEER 2 32121
medical radiographer TEER 2 32121
medical receptionist TEER 4 14101
medical records clerk TEER 4 14100
medical records department manager TEER 0 10019
medical records management program teacher TEER 1 41210
medical records manager TEER 0 10019
medical records supervisor TEER 2 12111
medical records technician TEER 2 12111
medical records technicians supervisor TEER 2 12111
medical records unit supervisor TEER 2 12111
medical sciences professor - university TEER 1 41200
medical secretary TEER 3 13112
medical social worker TEER 1 41300
medical sociologist TEER 1 41409
medical sonographer TEER 2 32122
medical sonographers supervisor TEER 2 32122
medical specialist TEER 1 31100
medical specialist officer - Canadian armed forces TEER 1 31100
medical statistician TEER 1 21210
medical stenographer TEER 3 13112
medical supply attendant TEER 4 14401
medical supply clerk TEER 4 14401
medical technician TEER 2 32102
medical technician - Canadian armed forces TEER 2 32101
medical technologist TEER 2 32120
medical technologist - medical laboratory TEER 2 32120
medical technologists supervisor TEER 2 32120
medical technology teacher TEER 1 41210
medical terminologist TEER 1 51114
medical transcriptionist TEER 2 12110
medical translator TEER 1 51114
medical vice-president - health services TEER 0 00013
medical writer TEER 1 51112
medicinal chemist TEER 1 21101
medicine professor - university TEER 1 41200
medium TEER 5 65229
meeting coordinator TEER 2 12103
meeting planner TEER 2 12103
mehndi tattoo artist TEER 3 63211
melt shop helper TEER 5 95100
melt shop labourer TEER 5 95100
melter - foundry TEER 4 94101
melter - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100
melter helper - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 5 95100
melter tender - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
melting and roasting department supervisor TEER 2 92010
melting and roasting foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
melting and roasting operations foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
melting-furnace and roasting-furnace foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) TEER 0 00010
Member of Parliament (MP) TEER 0 00010
Member of the House of Assembly (MHA) TEER 0 00010
Member of the National Assembly (MNA) TEER 0 00010
Member of the Provincial Parliament (MPP) TEER 0 00010
membership organization general manager TEER 0 00013
membership sales representative TEER 4 64101
membership services manager TEER 0 40030
memorial designer TEER 3 53123
memorial salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
men's and women's wear patternmaker TEER 3 53125
men's clothing sales clerk TEER 4 64100
men's clothing salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
men's garment alterations tailor TEER 4 64200
men's hairdresser TEER 3 63210
men's hostel manager TEER 0 40030
men's wear sales clerk TEER 4 64100
mental health counsellor TEER 1 41301
mental health nurse TEER 1 31301
mental health proctor TEER 2 42201
mental health programs consultant TEER 1 41404
mental health residential care program manager TEER 0 30010
mental health support worker TEER 2 42201
mental health worker TEER 2 42201
mental telepathist TEER 5 65229
mercerizer machine operator - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
merchandise clerks supervisor TEER 2 12011
merchandise exchange clerk TEER 4 64409
merchandise purchasing director TEER 0 10012
merchandise purchasing manager TEER 0 10012
merchandiser TEER 2 62101
merchant miller - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
merchant navy mate TEER 2 72602
merchant services specialist - financial TEER 3 63102
mercury recoverer - chemical processing TEER 4 94110
merry-go-round operator TEER 5 65211
mesh-welding machine operator TEER 2 72106
mess cook TEER 3 63200
mess waiter/waitress TEER 5 65200
message carrier TEER 4 74102
message deliverer TEER 4 74102
messenger TEER 4 74102
messenger service manager TEER 0 70021
messenger service representative TEER 4 64401
messenger service supervisor TEER 2 72025
messenger-clerk TEER 4 74102
metal and woodworking machinery manufacturing foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
metal annealing tender TEER 4 94100
metal arts worker TEER 3 53124
metal awning machine operator TEER 4 94107
metal band saw operator TEER 4 94106
metal blade sharpener operator TEER 4 94107
metal bluer TEER 4 94213
metal bluing cleaner - metal products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
metal brazier and heater TEER 2 72106
metal buffer - metal products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
metal buffers foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
metal buffing foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
metal cabinet assembler TEER 4 94210
metal cable machine operator TEER 4 94107
metal cable maker TEER 4 94107
metal cable maker operator TEER 4 94107
metal cable stretcher and tester TEER 4 94107
metal casket assembler TEER 4 94210
metal caster - foundry TEER 4 94101
metal casters, moulders and coremakers foreman/woman TEER 2 92010
metal casting finisher TEER 5 95101
metal casting, moulding and coremaking foreman/woman TEER 2 92010
metal chair assembler TEER 4 94210
metal cleaner TEER 5 95101
metal cleaner - metal products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
metal coater TEER 4 94213
metal coater operator TEER 4 94213
metal coating-equipment operator TEER 4 94213
metal cut-off saw operator TEER 4 94105
metal dealer TEER 0 60020
metal dental technician TEER 2 32112
metal dipper TEER 4 94213
metal door frame assembler TEER 4 94219
metal electroplater TEER 4 94213
metal electroplating inspector TEER 4 94213
metal engraver TEER 3 53124
metal extrusion press operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
metal fabricating machine operator TEER 4 94105
metal fabrication worker TEER 5 95101
metal fabricator TEER 2 72104
metal fabricator - structural metal and platework TEER 2 72104
metal fabricator (fitter) TEER 2 72104
metal fabricator foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
metal fence erector TEER 3 73200
metal finish and touch-up repairer - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 2 72411
metal finisher - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 2 72411
metal fitters foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
metal floor lamp maker TEER 4 94107
metal form setter - construction TEER 5 75110
metal frame moulder - foundry TEER 4 94101
metal framer - carpentry TEER 2 72310
metal furniture assembler TEER 4 94210
metal furniture assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92022
metal furniture inspector TEER 4 94210
metal furniture model maker TEER 2 72102
metal furniture patternmaker TEER 2 72102
metal furniture repairer TEER 4 94210
metal hardener - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
metal hardware installer - furniture manufacturing TEER 4 94210
metal heat-treating foreman/woman - primary metal processing TEER 2 92010
metal heater - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100
metal heater operator TEER 3 93100
metal impregnator - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
metal inert gas (MIG) welder TEER 2 72106
metal lather TEER 3 73102
metal locker assembler TEER 4 94210
metal melter TEER 3 93100
metal mixer - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
metal mixer operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
metal mould and metal patternmakers foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
metal mould and metal patternmakers supervisor TEER 2 72010
metal mould finisher TEER 2 72101
metal mould maker TEER 2 72101
metal mouldmaker TEER 2 72101
metal nut former TEER 4 94107
metal nut maker TEER 4 94107
metal parts inspector TEER 4 94105
metal patternmaker TEER 2 72101
metal patternmaker apprentice TEER 2 72101
metal physicist TEER 1 21100
metal pickler operator helper TEER 5 95101
metal pin maker TEER 4 94107
metal pipe cutter machine operator TEER 4 94107
metal pipe cutter operator TEER 4 94107
metal pipe machine cutter TEER 4 94107
metal plater-polisher TEER 4 94213
metal plating-equipment operator TEER 4 94213
metal pointer operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
metal polisher helper TEER 5 95101
metal polishing-plating labourer TEER 5 95101
metal pourer - metal processing TEER 4 94100
metal pourer helper TEER 5 95100
metal pourer helper - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
metal powder lubricator finisher TEER 5 95100
metal power saw operator TEER 4 94105
metal preparation lead hand - structural metal and platework TEER 2 72104
metal processing inspector TEER 4 94104
metal product spray painter TEER 4 94213
metal products assembler TEER 4 94219
metal products inspection and testing foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
metal products manufacturing machine operator TEER 4 94107
metal products salesperson TEER 2 62100
metal reclaimer TEER 4 94100
metal reclaimer helper - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
metal repairer - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 2 72411
metal roaster - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100
metal rolling foreman/woman TEER 2 92010
metal roofer TEER 3 73110
metal roofer helper - construction TEER 5 75110
metal salvager helper - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
metal saw tooth grinder TEER 4 94106
metal sawing machine operator TEER 4 94105
metal scaffold erector TEER 2 72105
metal scaffold erector helper TEER 5 75110
metal screened door and window maker TEER 4 94107
metal sculptor TEER 3 53122
metal shapers foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
metal shipwright TEER 2 72104
metal shipwright foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
metal smelter TEER 3 93100
metal smelting, converting and refining foreman/woman TEER 2 92010
metal solderer TEER 2 72106
metal spinner TEER 4 94105
metal sponge machine tender TEER 4 94107
metal sponge maker TEER 4 94107
metal spray operator TEER 4 94213
metal sprayer TEER 4 94213
metal straightener and heater TEER 2 72106
metal strength tester - primary metal processing TEER 4 94104
metal structure erector TEER 2 72105
metal structure fitter helper TEER 5 95101
metal table assembler TEER 4 94210
metal table saw operator TEER 4 94105
metal tack maker TEER 4 94107
metal tank erecting ironworker TEER 2 72105
metal tensile strength tester - primary metal processing TEER 4 94104
metal trim erector helper TEER 5 75110
metal tube marker - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
metal upgrader - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 2 72411
metal wall framing installer TEER 2 72105
metal wall framing ironworker TEER 2 72105
metal wall installation ironworker TEER 2 72105
metal welder TEER 2 72106
metal works fabrication manager TEER 0 90010
metal-bonding equipment operator TEER 4 94107
metal-dipping equipment operator TEER 4 94213
metal-extruding and metal-drawing foreman/woman TEER 2 92010
metal-fabricating shop helper TEER 5 95101
metal-forming machine set-up operator TEER 4 94105
metal-forming machine tender TEER 4 94105
metal-leaf gilder TEER 4 94213
metal-machining inspection foreman/woman TEER 2 72010
metal-sheathed insulation former TEER 4 94219
metal-stamping press operator TEER 4 94105
metal-twisting machine tender TEER 4 94107
metallizer TEER 4 94213
metallographer TEER 1 21109
metallurgical control analyst TEER 2 22101
metallurgical engineer TEER 1 21322
metallurgical engineering professor - university TEER 1 41200
metallurgical engineering technician TEER 2 22101
metallurgical engineering technologist TEER 2 22101
metallurgical technologist TEER 2 22101
metallurgist TEER 1 21109
metallurgy professor - university TEER 1 41200
metals conservator TEER 1 51101
metalwork forming, shaping and installing contractor TEER 2 72010
metalworking machine helper TEER 5 95101
metalworking machine operator TEER 4 94105
metalworking machine operators foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
metalworking machine set-up man/woman TEER 4 94105
metalworking machine set-up operator TEER 4 94105
metalworking machine setter TEER 4 94105
metalworking machinery mechanic TEER 2 72400
metalworking weaver - metal products manufacturing TEER 4 94107
meteorological aide TEER 2 22214
meteorological inspector TEER 2 22214
meteorological technician TEER 2 22214
meteorological technician - Canadian armed forces TEER 2 22214
meteorologist TEER 1 21103
meteorology professor - university TEER 1 41200
meter assembler TEER 4 94219
meter engineer TEER 1 21310
meter installer - electric power systems TEER 2 72203
meter installers and repairers foreman/woman TEER 2 72011
meter reader TEER 4 14110
meter records clerk TEER 4 14100
meter repair electrical mechanic TEER 2 72422
meter repairer TEER 3 73209
meter servicer TEER 3 73209
meter shop foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
metering technologist TEER 2 22310
methods and cost analyst TEER 1 11201
methods and procedures analyst TEER 1 11201
methods and procedures manager TEER 0 10029
methods designer TEER 2 22302
methods engineer TEER 1 21321
Métis development programs regional director - government services TEER 0 40010
metrics technologist TEER 2 22310
metrologist TEER 1 21100
metrology engineer TEER 1 21310
metrology technician TEER 2 22310
metrology technologist TEER 2 22310
metropolitan council chair TEER 0 00010
mezzo-soprano TEER 1 51122
mica capacitor assembler TEER 4 94201
mica crusher tender TEER 4 94100
mica plate tender TEER 4 94100
mica press tender TEER 4 94100
mica processing foreman/woman TEER 2 92010
mica products maker TEER 4 94202
mica sheet laminator TEER 4 94100
mica sheet salvager TEER 4 94100
mica splitter TEER 4 94100
mica trimmer TEER 4 94100
micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) research engineer TEER 1 21301
microbiological technician TEER 2 22110
microbiologist TEER 1 21110
microbiology quality control technologist TEER 2 22110
microbiology technician (except medical) TEER 2 22110
microbiology technologist (except medical) TEER 2 22110
microcircuit assembler TEER 4 94201
microeconomic policy development director - government services TEER 0 40011
microelectronic circuit fabricator TEER 4 94201
microelectronics engineer TEER 1 21310
microfilm camera operator TEER 2 12112
microfilm mounter TEER 2 12112
microfilm records searcher TEER 2 12112
microfilmer TEER 2 12112
micropaleontologist TEER 1 21102
microprocessor designer and application engineer TEER 1 21311
microwave facilities manager TEER 0 10030
microwave facilities manager - telecommunications TEER 0 10030
microwave maintenance technician TEER 2 22310
microwave physicist TEER 1 21100
microwave system foreman/woman TEER 2 72011
microwave systems engineer TEER 1 21311
microwave transmission systems engineer TEER 1 21311
midwife TEER 1 31303
military historian TEER 1 41409
military police officer - commissioned TEER 0 40040
military policeman/woman - except commissioned TEER 2 42100
milk and cream receiver - food and beverage processing TEER 4 14400
milk deliverer TEER 5 75201
milk dryer - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
milk grader TEER 4 94143
milk inspector TEER 2 22111
milk pasteurizer - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
milk powder grinder TEER 5 95106
milk processing foreman/woman TEER 2 92012
milk processing plant foreman/woman TEER 2 92012
milk production labourer TEER 5 85100
milk receiver-tester TEER 4 94143
milk sampler TEER 5 95106
milk-processing equipment operator - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
milking machine salesperson TEER 2 62100
milking machine tender TEER 5 85100
milking services contractor TEER 2 82030
milkman/woman TEER 5 75201
mill carpenter TEER 2 72310
mill charger - chemical processing TEER 5 95102
mill electrician TEER 2 72201
mill helper - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 5 95100
mill labourer - mineral products processing TEER 5 95100
mill maintenance mechanic TEER 2 72400
mill manager TEER 0 90010
mill mechanic helper TEER 5 75119
mill operator - rubber processing TEER 4 94112
mill operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
mill roll grinder - metal products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
mill roll tester - chemical processing TEER 4 94110
mill superintendent TEER 0 90010
mill tender - chemical processing TEER 4 94110
mill tender - clay products TEER 4 94103
mill tender - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
milled rubber cooler TEER 5 95104
miller - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
milliner TEER 4 64200
millinery foreman/woman - fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing TEER 2 92015
millinery maker TEER 4 64200
milling machine operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106
milling machine operator - mineral and metal processing TEER 4 94100
milling machine set-up operator TEER 4 94106
milling machine setter TEER 4 94106
milling plant foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
millroom foreman/woman - rubber products manufacturing TEER 2 92013
millroom operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
millroom supervisor - rubber products manufacturing TEER 2 92013
millstone cutter - stone products TEER 4 94103
millwork assembler TEER 4 94211
millwork assembler - wood products manufacturing TEER 4 94211
millwork assemblers foreman/woman - wood products manufacturing TEER 2 92024
millwork assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92024
millwork assembly foreman/woman - wood products manufacturing TEER 2 92024
millwork assembly supervisor TEER 2 92024
millwright TEER 2 72400
millwright apprentice TEER 2 72400
millwright foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
millwright helper TEER 5 75119
millwright industrial TEER 2 72400
mime TEER 3 53121
mimic TEER 3 53121
mincemeat maker TEER 4 94140
mine analyst TEER 2 22101
mine attendant TEER 4 84100
mine captain TEER 2 82020
mine carpenter TEER 2 72310
mine check weigher TEER 5 85110
mine construction inspector TEER 2 22233
mine construction worker TEER 4 84100
mine design engineer TEER 1 21330
mine development engineer TEER 1 21330
mine development technologist TEER 2 22101
mine dispatcher TEER 4 14404
mine draftsperson TEER 2 22212
mine electrician TEER 2 72201
mine examiner TEER 1 21120
mine foreman/woman TEER 2 82020
mine geologist TEER 1 21102
mine guide TEER 4 64320
mine helper TEER 5 85110
mine helper - underground mining TEER 5 85110
mine hoist industrial mechanic TEER 2 72400
mine hoist machinery mechanic TEER 2 72400
mine hoist repairer TEER 2 72400
mine labourer TEER 5 85110
mine layout engineer TEER 1 21330
mine locomotive repairman/woman TEER 2 72401
mine manager TEER 0 80010
mine mechanic TEER 2 72400
mine motorman/woman TEER 4 84100
mine planning engineer TEER 1 21330
mine production engineer TEER 1 21330
mine production technician TEER 2 22101
mine safety engineer TEER 1 21330
mine safety inspector TEER 2 22232
mine superintendent TEER 0 80010
mine supervisor TEER 2 82020
mine survey technician TEER 2 22101
mine survey technologist TEER 2 22101
mine timberman/woman TEER 4 84100
mine ventilation engineer TEER 1 21330
miner TEER 3 83100
miner helper - raise mining TEER 4 84100
miner helper - underground mining TEER 5 85110
mineral dressing engineer TEER 1 21330
mineral engineer TEER 1 21330
mineral land administration manager TEER 0 10029
mineral land and contract manager TEER 0 10029
mineral land contracts analyst TEER 2 12102
mineral sampler TEER 4 94104
mineral sampler - mineral products processing TEER 4 94104
mineral technician TEER 2 22101
mineral technologist TEER 2 22101
mineral technology teacher - college of applied arts and technology TEER 1 41210
mineralogist TEER 1 21102
mineralogy technician TEER 2 22101
mineralogy technologist TEER 2 22101
mines exploration engineer TEER 1 21330
mingler tender TEER 4 94140
mini-golf attendant TEER 5 65211
mining engineer TEER 1 21330
mining engineering manager TEER 0 20010
mining engineering technician TEER 2 22101
mining engineering technologist TEER 2 22101
mining equipment master mechanic TEER 2 72400
mining equipment sales engineer TEER 2 62100
mining equipment sales representative TEER 2 62100
mining geologist TEER 1 21102
mining industry development consultant TEER 1 41402
mining machine operator TEER 3 83100
mining machinery fitter TEER 2 72405
mining machinery mechanic TEER 2 72400
mining operations director TEER 0 80010
mining operations manager TEER 0 80010
mining rescue instructor TEER 1 41210
mining research director TEER 0 20011
mining shovel operator (except underground) TEER 3 73400
mining survey technician TEER 2 22101
mining survey technologist TEER 2 22101
mining technician TEER 2 22101
mining technologist TEER 2 22101
minister TEER 1 41302
minister - religion TEER 1 41302
ministerial assistant TEER 2 12100
minivan assembler - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
mink farm supervisor TEER 2 82030
mink ranch supervisor TEER 2 82030
mink tail slitter - fur products manufacturing TEER 5 95105
mint precious metal refiner - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
mirror and picture frame assembler TEER 4 94210
mirror and picture frame maker TEER 4 94210
mirror assembler TEER 4 94219
mirror framer TEER 4 94219
mirror maker TEER 4 94102
mirror silverer TEER 4 94102
mirror silvering foreman/woman TEER 2 92024
mirror wall installer TEER 3 73111
mirror-silvering equipment operator TEER 4 94102
missile electronics inspector TEER 2 22313
missile electrotechnician - avionics TEER 2 22313
missionary TEER 2 42204
missionary doctor TEER 1 31102
mitre saw tender - woodworking TEER 4 94124
mixed farmer TEER 0 80020
mixer - chemical processing TEER 4 94110
mixer - concrete, clay and stone products TEER 4 94103
mixer - tobacco processing TEER 4 94140
mixer helper - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 5 95100
mixer operator - chemical processing TEER 4 94110
mixer operator - concrete products TEER 4 94103
mixer operator - rubber processing TEER 4 94112
mixer operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
mixer tender - chemical processing TEER 4 94110
mixing and grinding machine tender - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
mixing and separating operations foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
mixing foreman/woman - rubber and plastic manufacturing TEER 2 92013
mixing operator - pulp and paper TEER 4 94121
mixing plant foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 2 92010
mixing supervisor - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 2 92013
mixologist TEER 4 64301
mobile applications developer TEER 1 21232
mobile broadcasting equipment installer TEER 2 52112
mobile broadcasting equipment operator TEER 2 52112
mobile canteen driver TEER 5 75201
mobile canteen service supervisor TEER 2 72024
mobile caterer TEER 5 75201
mobile cement mixer driver TEER 3 73300
mobile chipper operator - logging TEER 3 83110
mobile concrete mixer driver TEER 3 73300
mobile crane apprentice operator TEER 2 72500
mobile crane operator TEER 2 72500
mobile development lead TEER 1 21231
mobile disc jockey TEER 2 52114
mobile equipment dispatcher TEER 4 14404
mobile equipment repairer helper TEER 5 75119
mobile farm equipment mechanic TEER 2 72401
mobile farm machinery repairer TEER 2 72401
mobile generator operator TEER 2 92100
mobile home assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
mobile home assembly supervisor TEER 2 92023
mobile home equipment servicer TEER 3 73200
mobile home maintainer TEER 3 73200
mobile home repairer TEER 3 73200
mobile home salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
mobile home servicer TEER 3 73200
mobile logging equipment mechanic TEER 2 72401
mobile mechanic helper TEER 5 75119
mobile mining equipment mechanic TEER 2 72401
mobile platform chief engineer - offshore drilling TEER 2 72603
mobile radio broadcasting supervisor TEER 2 52112
mobile radio installer - telecommunications TEER 2 72205
mobile radio technician - telecommunications TEER 2 72205
mobile radiotelephone installer TEER 2 72205
mobile support equipment operator - Canadian armed forces TEER 3 73300
mobile transceiver inspector - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
mobile whole tree chipper - logging TEER 3 83110
Mobilift operator TEER 5 75101
moccasin sewer TEER 4 94132
model TEER 5 55109
model and mock-up maker TEER 2 72999
model and mock-up maker - aeronautics TEER 2 72999
model and mould maker - concrete products TEER 2 72999
model maker TEER 2 72999
model maker - tool and die TEER 2 72101
model maker machinist TEER 2 72100
model maker-preparator TEER 3 53100
modelling clay mixer and extruder TEER 4 94103
modelling instructor TEER 3 43109
modelling school manager TEER 0 60040
moderator - broadcasting TEER 2 52114
moderator - religion TEER 1 41302
modern languages teacher - college level TEER 1 41210
modern languages teacher - secondary school TEER 1 41220
modern languages tutor - language school TEER 1 41210
modifier and lay-out marker TEER 3 53125
modifier and marker TEER 3 53125
module tender - tobacco processing TEER 4 94140
mohel TEER 2 42204
moisture content tester - dairy products TEER 4 94143
moisture content tester - tobacco processing TEER 4 94143
molasses mixer - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
molasses wort processor TEER 4 94140
mole operator TEER 3 73400
mole operator helper - construction TEER 5 75110
molecular biologist TEER 1 21110
molecular biophysicist TEER 1 21100
molecular geneticist TEER 1 21110
molecular physiologist TEER 1 21110
molten metal mixer helper - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
molten metal mixer operator TEER 4 94100
molten metal sampler TEER 4 94104
molten metal sampler - primary metal processing TEER 4 94104
molybdenum flotation operator TEER 4 94100
molybdenum leaching plant operator TEER 4 94100
molybdenum roaster operator TEER 3 93100
money counter TEER 5 65100
money market analyst TEER 1 11101
money market trader TEER 1 11103
monitoring station operator TEER 4 14404
monk TEER 2 42204
monochrome plate film stripper TEER 4 94151
monorail crane operator TEER 2 72500
Monotype casting machine operator TEER 4 14112
Monotype hot metal typesetter keyboard operator TEER 4 14112
Monotype keyboard operator TEER 4 14112
monument carver - stone products TEER 4 94103
monument engraver - stone products TEER 4 94103
monument erector TEER 5 75110
monument inspector - mineral products processing TEER 4 94104
monument letterer - stone products TEER 4 94103
monument sculptor TEER 3 53122
monument setter TEER 5 75110
monument stonecutter - stone products TEER 4 94103
mop assembler TEER 4 94219
mop maker TEER 4 94219
morality officer - police TEER 2 42100
morgue attendant TEER 3 33109
morgue technician TEER 3 33109
mortar mixer TEER 4 94103
mortarman/woman TEER 3 43204
mortgage and consumer credit manager TEER 0 10021
mortgage and real estate legal assistant TEER 3 13111
mortgage and real estate paralegal TEER 2 42200
mortgage broker TEER 1 11109
mortgage broker manager TEER 0 10020
mortgage clerk TEER 4 14201
mortgage consultant TEER 3 63102
mortgage loans consultant TEER 3 63102
mortgage loans officer TEER 3 63102
mortgage manager TEER 0 10021
mortgage officer TEER 3 63102
mortgage underwriter TEER 1 11109
mortician TEER 2 62201
mortiser operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
mortising machine operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
mosaic tilesetter TEER 3 73101
motel cleaner TEER 5 65310
motel manager TEER 0 60031
motel managing supervisor TEER 2 62022
mother superior/religious superior TEER 2 42204
motion graphic designer TEER 2 52120
motion picture camera operator TEER 2 52110
motion picture director TEER 1 51120
motion picture equipment machinist TEER 2 72100
motion picture examiner TEER 3 53111
motion picture facilities supervisor TEER 2 52119
motion picture film developer TEER 4 94153
motion picture film examiner - photographic processing TEER 4 94153
motion picture film printer TEER 4 94153
motion picture musical director TEER 1 51121
motion picture producer TEER 1 51120
motion picture production director TEER 1 51120
motion picture projectionist TEER 3 53111
motor and chassis inspector - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
motor and control tester TEER 4 94203
motor and generator assembler - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94202
motor and generator assembler - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
motor and generator assembler and wirer TEER 4 94203
motor and generator inspector TEER 4 94203
motor and generator subassemblies painter TEER 4 94213
motor and transformer tester TEER 4 94203
motor boat mechanic TEER 2 72423
motor boat operator TEER 5 75210
motor coach driver TEER 3 73301
motor coil winder-repairer TEER 2 72422
motor control assembler - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
motor home assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
motor installer - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
motor launch operator TEER 5 75210
motor mechanic - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 2 72410
motor repair vehicle painter apprentice TEER 2 72411
motor repairer - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 2 72410
motor scooter repairer TEER 2 72423
motor transport labourer TEER 5 75211
motor transport manager TEER 0 70020
motor transport route foreman/woman TEER 2 72024
motor transportation inspector TEER 2 22231
motor transportation regulations officer TEER 2 22231
motor vehicle and equipment sales representative - wholesale (non-technical) TEER 4 64101
motor vehicle apprentice painter TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle assembler TEER 4 94200
motor vehicle assembler - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
motor vehicle assembly coordinator TEER 2 92020
motor vehicle assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92020
motor vehicle assembly general supervisor TEER 2 92020
motor vehicle assembly plant manager TEER 0 90010
motor vehicle assembly supervisor TEER 2 92020
motor vehicle assembly zone supervisor TEER 2 92020
motor vehicle attendant TEER 5 65329
motor vehicle body finisher TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle body repair-painter TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle body repairer TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle body repairer - collision TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle body repairer - metal and paint TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle body repairer - refinishing TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle body repairer apprentice TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle body repairer helper TEER 5 75119
motor vehicle body repairers foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
motor vehicle body technician TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle body technician - truck TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle bureau clerk TEER 4 14301
motor vehicle claims adjuster - insurance TEER 2 12201
motor vehicle clutch assembly inspector TEER 4 94204
motor vehicle cylinder grinder TEER 4 94106
motor vehicle defects investigator TEER 2 22231
motor vehicle diesel engine mechanic TEER 2 72410
motor vehicle dispatcher TEER 4 14404
motor vehicle engine repair foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
motor vehicle fuel conversion technician TEER 2 72410
motor vehicle fuel-systems and electric-systems mechanic TEER 2 72410
motor vehicle inspection and testing foreman/woman - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 2 92020
motor vehicle inspector TEER 2 22231
motor vehicle jig builder TEER 2 72101
motor vehicle jockey TEER 5 65329
motor vehicle leasing representative - retail TEER 4 64100
motor vehicle lighting fixture assembler TEER 4 94202
motor vehicle manufacturing foreman/woman TEER 2 92020
motor vehicle mechanic TEER 2 72410
motor vehicle mechanic helper TEER 5 75119
motor vehicle mechanical equipment inspector - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
motor vehicle mechanical repairer TEER 2 72410
motor vehicle mechanics and repairers foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
motor vehicle mechanics foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
motor vehicle mechanics supervisor TEER 2 72020
motor vehicle model maker TEER 2 72999
motor vehicle operator - pole yard TEER 4 74200
motor vehicle painter - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94213
motor vehicle painter - motor vehicle repair TEER 2 72411
motor vehicle parts clerk TEER 4 14401
motor vehicle parts clerk apprentice TEER 4 14401
motor vehicle partsperson TEER 4 14401
motor vehicle repair shop coordinator TEER 3 13201
motor vehicle repair shop foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
motor vehicle repair shop manager TEER 0 60020
motor vehicle repair shop supervisor TEER 2 72020
motor vehicle rustproofer TEER 4 94213
motor vehicle salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
motor vehicle technician TEER 2 72410
motor vehicle transmission mechanic TEER 2 72410
motor winder - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
motor-coil and generator-coil builder TEER 4 94203
motor-coil and generator-coil installer - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
motorboat assembler TEER 4 94219
motorboat assembly inspector TEER 4 94219
motorboat captain TEER 5 75210
motorboat operator TEER 5 75210
motorcycle driving instructor TEER 3 43109
motorcycle mechanic TEER 2 72423
motorcycle mechanic apprentice TEER 2 72423
motorcycle mechanics foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
motorcycle patrolman/woman - police TEER 2 42100
motorcycle repairer TEER 2 72423
motorcycle repairman/woman TEER 2 72423
motorcycle salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
motorhand - offshore drilling TEER 4 84101
motorhand - oil and gas drilling TEER 4 84101
motorized mail courier TEER 4 74102
motorman/woman - mines TEER 4 84100
motorman/woman - offshore drilling rig TEER 5 75119
motorman/woman - oil and gas drilling TEER 4 84101
motorman/woman - underground mining TEER 4 84100
motormen/women and dinkeymen/women foreman/woman (except rail transport) TEER 2 82020
mould and core machinist TEER 2 72100
mould caster - foundry TEER 4 94101
mould cleaner - foundry TEER 5 95101
mould cleaner - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
mould cleaner - rubber products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
mould design engineer TEER 1 21301
mould designer TEER 2 22301
mould dresser - foundry TEER 5 95101
mould filler - clay products TEER 4 94103
mould filler - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
mould filler-stripper - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94212
mould laminator - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94212
mould machine operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
mould maker - plastics processing TEER 2 72101
mould maker apprentice TEER 2 72101
mould preparer - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
mould setter - foundry TEER 4 94101
mould setter - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
mould shop foreman/woman - machining TEER 2 72010
mould stripper - concrete products manufacturing TEER 5 95100
mould stripper - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94212
mould waxer - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94212
mould waxer - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
moulded footwear inspection supervisor - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 2 92013
moulded plastic finisher TEER 4 94212
moulded plastic inspector TEER 4 94212
moulded plastic inspector-tester TEER 4 94212
moulded plastic products trimmer TEER 4 94212
moulded products finisher - plastic products manufacturing TEER 4 94212
moulded products stripper - plastic products manufacturing TEER 4 94212
moulded products stripper - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
moulded pulp products foreman/woman TEER 2 92014
moulded rubber boot maker TEER 4 94112
moulded rubber footwear foreman/woman TEER 2 92013
moulded rubber products inspector-trimmer TEER 4 94112
moulded rubber products trimmer TEER 5 95104
moulder - chemical processing TEER 4 94110
moulder - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
moulder - wood products manufacturing TEER 4 94124
moulder - woodworking TEER 4 94124
moulder helper - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
moulder operator - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94111
moulder operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
moulding and coremaking machine setter - foundry TEER 4 94101
moulding cutter - wood products manufacturing TEER 4 94124
moulding foreman/woman - foundry TEER 2 92010
moulding foreman/woman - rubber and plastic manufacturing TEER 2 92013
moulding machine offbearer - rubber products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
moulding machine operator - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
moulding machine operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
moulding plasterer TEER 3 73102
moulding press tender - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
moulding pressman/woman - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
moulding sand mixer - foundry TEER 4 94101
moulding supervisor - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 2 92013
mouldmaker - aircraft TEER 2 72101
mouldmaker - clay products TEER 4 94103
mouldmaking machinist TEER 2 72100
mouldman/woman - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
mount operator - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
mountain climbing guide TEER 4 64322
mountain guide TEER 4 64322
mountaineering guide TEER 4 64322
mounted police constable TEER 2 42100
mounted policeman/woman TEER 2 42100
mounter - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
movement analyst - medical TEER 1 31204
movement therapist TEER 1 41301
mover helper TEER 5 75211
movie actor TEER 3 53121
movie critic TEER 1 51113
movie director TEER 1 51120
movie producer TEER 1 51120
movie theatre attendants supervisor TEER 2 62029
movie theatre cashier TEER 5 65100
movie theatre manager TEER 0 60040
movie theatre projectionist TEER 3 53111
movie usher TEER 5 65329
moving company manager TEER 0 70020
moving truck driver TEER 3 73300
moving van driver TEER 3 73300
moving van drivers supervisor TEER 2 72024
moving van helper TEER 5 75211
moving walkway installer-repairer TEER 2 72406
mucker - underground mining TEER 3 83100
mucker operator - construction TEER 3 73400
mucking machine operator TEER 3 83100
mucking machine operator - construction TEER 3 73400
mucking machine operator - underground mining TEER 3 83100
mud engineer TEER 1 21332
mud engineer - petroleum drilling TEER 1 21332
mud jack operator TEER 5 75110
mud man/woman - petroleum drilling TEER 2 22101
muffin baker TEER 3 63202
muffin maker TEER 3 63202
muffler installer TEER 4 74203
muffler shop manager TEER 0 60020
mule fixer - textile manufacturing TEER 2 72400
mule setter - textile manufacturing TEER 2 72400
multi-function metal-cutting tool operator TEER 4 94106
multi-operation forming machine tender TEER 4 94105
multi-roll calender operator - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94111
multi-service operator - oil field services TEER 2 82021
multiculturalism project officer TEER 1 41403
multifocal lens assembler TEER 4 94219
multimedia archivist TEER 1 51102
multimedia audio producer TEER 1 51120
multimedia author TEER 1 51111
multimedia consultant TEER 1 21233
multimedia department manager TEER 0 50011
multimedia design specialist TEER 2 52120
multimedia designer TEER 2 52120
multimedia developer TEER 1 21232
multimedia ergonomist TEER 1 41400
multimedia graphic design technician TEER 2 52111
multimedia graphics technician TEER 2 52111
multimedia illustrator TEER 2 52120
multimedia information trader TEER 1 51113
multimedia instructional designer and scriptor TEER 2 52120
multimedia librarian TEER 1 51100
multimedia photographer TEER 3 53110
multimedia picture illustrator TEER 3 53110
multimedia products designer TEER 2 52120
multimedia products designer-ideaman/woman TEER 2 52120
multimedia programmer TEER 1 21232
multimedia script writer TEER 1 51111
multimedia sound technician TEER 2 52113
multimedia sound-effects supervisor TEER 2 52113
multimedia writer TEER 1 51111
multineedle sewing machine operator TEER 4 94132
multiple drum sander operator - wood processing TEER 4 94129
multiple extruder operator - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94111
multiple punch press operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105
multiple-spindle drill press operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106
multiple-spindle screw machine operator TEER 4 94106
multiple-spindle vertical boring mill set-up operator TEER 4 94106
multiple-spindle vertical turret lathe set-up operator TEER 4 94106
multiroll calender operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
municipal administrator TEER 0 00011
municipal assessor TEER 2 12203
municipal council chairman/woman TEER 0 00010
municipal director of leisure TEER 0 50012
municipal director of recreation TEER 0 50012
municipal draftsperson TEER 2 22212
municipal elemental worker TEER 5 75212
municipal engineer TEER 1 21300
municipal engineering assistant TEER 2 22300
municipal general labourer TEER 5 75212
municipal labourer TEER 5 75212
municipal law enforcement officer TEER 3 43202
municipal law enforcement officers supervisor TEER 3 43202
municipal leisure director TEER 0 50012
municipal leisure manager TEER 0 50012
municipal maintenance equipment operator TEER 4 74205
municipal manager of leisure TEER 0 50012
municipal manager of recreation TEER 0 50012
municipal office clerk TEER 4 14100
municipal park planner TEER 1 21202
municipal planner TEER 1 21202
municipal recreation director TEER 0 50012
municipal recreation manager TEER 0 50012
municipal recycling program coordinator TEER 1 41400
municipal servicer drain roto TEER 4 74205
municipal solicitor TEER 1 41101
municipal tax collector TEER 2 12104
municipal taxation manager TEER 0 40011
munitions assembler TEER 4 94219
munitions handler TEER 5 75101
munitions inspector TEER 4 94219
munitions loading inspector TEER 4 94219
munitions manufacturing inspector TEER 4 94219
munitions salvage inspector TEER 4 94219
munitions worker TEER 4 94219
mural landscape artist TEER 3 53122
mural painter TEER 3 53122
museologist TEER 1 51101
museology technician TEER 3 53100
museum administrator TEER 0 50010
museum assistant administrator TEER 0 50010
museum assistant director TEER 0 50010
museum cataloguer TEER 3 53100
museum coordinator TEER 0 50010
museum curator TEER 1 51101
museum designer TEER 3 53123
museum director TEER 0 50010
museum director of conservation TEER 0 50010
museum education officer TEER 1 11202
museum educator TEER 1 11202
museum executive director TEER 0 50010
museum exhibit designer TEER 3 53123
museum exhibit officer TEER 3 53100
museum extension officer TEER 3 53100
museum general director TEER 0 50010
museum interpreter TEER 3 53100
museum manager TEER 0 50010
museum objects cataloguer TEER 3 53100
museum objects conservator TEER 1 51101
museum objects preparator TEER 3 53100
museum preparator TEER 3 53100
museum registrar TEER 3 53100
museum technician TEER 3 53100
museum technician - earth's history and paleontology TEER 3 53100
mushroom farm worker TEER 5 85101
mushroom grower TEER 0 80020
mushroom picker TEER 5 85101
mushroom producer TEER 0 80020
music academy manager TEER 0 60040
music adapter TEER 1 51121
music arranger TEER 1 51121
music coordinator - education TEER 1 41405
music copyist TEER 1 51121
music critic TEER 1 51113
music director TEER 1 51121
music editor - recording studio TEER 2 52113
music guild president TEER 0 00013
music librarian TEER 1 51100
music librarian - broadcasting TEER 1 51100
music library assistant TEER 4 14300
music mixer TEER 2 52113
music or sound mixer TEER 2 52113
music professor - university TEER 1 41200
music program planner TEER 2 52119
music reviewer TEER 1 51113
music school manager TEER 0 60040
music teacher - conservatory of music TEER 1 41210
music teacher - elementary school TEER 1 41221
music teacher - musicians TEER 1 51122
music teacher - private, conservatory or studio lessons TEER 1 51122
music teacher - secondary school TEER 1 41220
music therapist TEER 1 41301
music therapists' supervisor TEER 1 41301
music therapy researcher TEER 1 41301
music writer TEER 1 51121
musical director TEER 1 51121
musical instrument assembler TEER 4 94219
musical instrument maker - artisan TEER 3 53124
musical instrument manufacturing foreman/woman TEER 2 92024
musical instrument repairer TEER 3 73209
musical instrument tester TEER 3 73209
musical instrument tube bender TEER 4 94105
musical instrument tuner TEER 3 73209
musical instruments and supplies salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
musical interpreter TEER 1 51122
musician TEER 1 51122
musicians agent TEER 1 11202
muskeg tractor operator TEER 3 73300
muskrat trapper TEER 5 85104
mussel farm labourer TEER 5 85102
mussel farmer TEER 0 80022
mussel grower TEER 0 80022
mussel harvester TEER 5 85102
mutual fund analyst TEER 1 11101
mutual fund broker TEER 1 11103
mutual fund sales agent TEER 1 11103
mutual fund sales representative TEER 1 11103
mutual funds manager - financial brokerage TEER 0 10020
mycological technician TEER 2 22110
mycological technologist TEER 2 22110
mycologist TEER 1 21110
myotherapist TEER 2 32201
mystery shopper TEER 5 65329

National Occupational Classification

 a |  b |  c |  d |  e |  f |  g |  h |  i |  j |  k |  l |  m |  n 

   o |  p |  q |  r |  s |  t |  u |  v |  w |  x |  y |  z |  2 |  3 |  9