National Occupational Classification

 a |  b |  c |  d |  e |  f |  g |  h |  i |  j |  k |  l |  m |  n 

   o |  p |  q |  r |  s |  t |  u |  v |  w |  x |  y |  z |  2 |  3 |  9 

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habitat management technician TEER 2 22110
hair and fibre forensic examiner TEER 2 22110
hair colour technician TEER 3 63210
hair dryer assembler TEER 4 94202
hair dyer TEER 3 63210
hair removal specialist TEER 3 63211
hair replacement consultant TEER 3 63211
hair replacement technician TEER 3 63211
hair weaver TEER 3 63211
hair-care specialist TEER 3 63210
hair-rooting machine operator - toy manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hairdresser TEER 3 63210
hairdresser apprentice TEER 3 63210
hairdressing instructor - vocational institute TEER 1 41210
hairdressing salon manager TEER 0 60040
hairdressing teacher - community college TEER 1 41210
hairspring truer TEER 4 94219
hairstyling salon manager TEER 0 60040
hairstyling specialist TEER 3 63210
hairstylist TEER 3 63210
hairstylist apprentice TEER 3 63210
halftone camera operator - printing TEER 4 94151
halfway house manager TEER 0 40030
halfway house supervisor TEER 2 42201
halfway house worker TEER 2 42201
hall cleaner TEER 5 65310
hall monitor TEER 5 45100
hall principal - secondary school TEER 0 40021
ham curer TEER 4 94140
ham curing foreman/woman TEER 2 92012
ham cutter TEER 4 94141
ham grader TEER 4 94143
ham sawyer - meat packing plant TEER 4 94141
hammer driver - forging TEER 4 94105
hammer mill tender - concrete, clay and stone products TEER 4 94103
hammer mill tender - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
hammer operator - metal forging TEER 4 94105
hammer thrower TEER 3 53200
hammersmith TEER 2 72999
hand arc welder TEER 2 72106
hand artificial flower maker TEER 3 53124
hand bag-maker TEER 4 94219
hand baggage inspector TEER 4 64410
hand bagger - material handling TEER 5 75101
hand barrel liner TEER 5 95109
hand beadworker TEER 3 53124
hand belt laminator - plastic products manufacturing TEER 4 94212
hand bonder - rubber footwear manufacturing TEER 4 94112
hand bookbinder TEER 3 53124
hand brick moulder - clay products TEER 4 94103
hand broom maker TEER 4 94219
hand brush maker TEER 4 94219
hand buffer - metal products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
hand bundler TEER 5 75101
hand bundler - wood processing TEER 5 95103
hand candle maker TEER 3 53124
hand candy dipper - food and beverage processing TEER 5 95106
hand case maker TEER 3 53124
hand cementer - rubber and plastic products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
hand cementer - shoe manufacturing TEER 5 95109
hand chain maker - jewellery manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hand chocolate packer TEER 5 95106
hand cigar maker TEER 4 94140
hand cigar moulder TEER 4 94140
hand cigar roller TEER 4 94140
hand clay products moulder TEER 4 94103
hand cloth folder TEER 5 95105
hand coil taper - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
hand colour-card maker TEER 4 94219
hand compositors supervisor TEER 2 72022
hand crocheter TEER 3 53124
hand cutter - clothing manufacturing TEER 5 95105
hand cutter - fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing TEER 5 95105
hand dollmaker TEER 3 53124
hand drapery pleater TEER 5 95109
hand electric arc welder TEER 2 72106
hand embroiderer TEER 3 53124
hand enameller TEER 3 53124
hand engraver TEER 3 53124
hand filament mounter TEER 4 94202
hand filer - metal products manufacturing TEER 5 95101
hand finisher - laundry and dry cleaning TEER 5 65320
hand fish net maker TEER 4 94219
hand flesher - hide and pelt processing TEER 4 94130
hand fur cleaner TEER 5 65320
hand glass cutter TEER 4 94102
hand glass edge finisher TEER 4 94102
hand glassworker TEER 3 53124
hand glove turner TEER 5 95109
hand granite polisher TEER 4 94103
hand hat blocker TEER 4 94219
hand hat brim former TEER 4 94219
hand hose cutter - rubber products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
hand hose maker - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
hand icer - bakery TEER 3 63202
hand inserter - printing TEER 5 95109
hand ironer - laundry and dry cleaning TEER 5 65320
hand jewellery artisan TEER 3 53124
hand knitter TEER 3 53124
hand lacer - sporting goods manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hand laminator - furniture manufacturing TEER 4 94210
hand lapper - metal machining TEER 4 94106
hand lead caster - foundry TEER 4 94101
hand leather cutter - leather products manufacturing TEER 5 95105
hand leather worker TEER 3 53124
hand lens beveller - non-prescription TEER 4 94219
hand lens edger - non-prescription TEER 4 94219
hand log peeler TEER 5 95103
hand luggage inspector TEER 4 64410
hand marble polisher TEER 4 94103
hand metal filer TEER 5 95101
hand metalworker TEER 3 53124
hand moulder - clay products TEER 4 94103
hand mouldmaker - foundry TEER 4 94101
hand needleworker TEER 3 53124
hand net-maker TEER 4 94219
hand packager TEER 5 75101
hand packer - food store TEER 5 65102
hand painter - graphic arts TEER 2 52111
hand paper pad gluer TEER 5 95109
hand papermaker TEER 3 53124
hand peat moss cutter TEER 5 75119
hand pleater - garment manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hand porcelain and earthenware presser - clay products TEER 4 94103
hand presser - clay products TEER 4 94103
hand presser - laundry and dry cleaning TEER 5 65320
hand quilter TEER 3 53124
hand resistance welder TEER 2 72106
hand rubber footwear maker TEER 4 94112
hand rug maker TEER 3 53124
hand sacker - material handling TEER 5 75101
hand sample container maker TEER 4 94219
hand sand-core maker - foundry TEER 4 94101
hand sander - furniture manufacturing TEER 5 95109
hand screen printer - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
hand shellfish processor - fish and seafood processing TEER 4 94142
hand shoe stitcher TEER 4 94219
hand silk flower maker TEER 3 53124
hand skeiner - textile processing TEER 5 95105
hand slubber TEER 4 94130
hand spinner TEER 3 53124
hand sprayer - greenhouse TEER 5 85103
hand stitcher - binding TEER 4 94152
hand stone carver TEER 3 53124
hand stone polisher TEER 4 94103
hand stonecutter TEER 4 94103
hand tennis net maker TEER 4 94219
hand tire trimmer TEER 4 94112
hand tool filer - metal machining TEER 4 94106
hand tool repairman/woman TEER 3 73209
hand tools manufacturing foreman/woman TEER 2 92024
hand touch-up painter - production TEER 4 94213
hand trimmer - garment manufacturing TEER 5 95109
hand trimmer - shoe manufacturing TEER 5 95109
hand truck operator TEER 5 75101
hand washer - laundry and dry cleaning TEER 5 65320
hand weaver TEER 3 53124
hand wire bender TEER 5 95109
hand woodenware carver TEER 3 53124
hand woodworker TEER 3 53124
handbag designer TEER 3 53123
handbag framer TEER 5 95109
handbag manufacturing foreman/woman TEER 2 92015
handball player TEER 3 53200
handbill passer TEER 5 75201
handbook writer TEER 1 51112
handle and vent machine tender TEER 4 94219
handle mounter TEER 5 95109
handler - wood treatment TEER 5 95103
handliner fisherman/woman TEER 3 83121
handwriting analyst TEER 1 41409
handwriting expert TEER 1 41409
handyman/woman TEER 3 73201
handyperson TEER 3 73201
hang-up blaster - underground mining TEER 3 83100
Hansard reporter TEER 2 12110
harbour master TEER 0 70012
harbour pilot TEER 2 72602
harbour police chief TEER 0 40040
harbour police officer TEER 2 42100
harbour police sergeant TEER 2 42100
harbour policeman/woman TEER 2 42100
hard hat assembler TEER 4 94219
hard-hat diver TEER 2 72999
hardboard press operator - wood processing TEER 4 94129
hardboard spray-coating machine tender TEER 4 94213
hardboard-coating line checker TEER 4 94219
hardboard-forming line operator TEER 4 94129
hardboard-grinding machine operator TEER 4 94129
hardboard-oiling machine tender TEER 4 94129
hardener - optical instruments manufacturing TEER 5 95109
hardener - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
hardness tester - primary metal processing TEER 4 94104
hardrock miner TEER 3 83100
hardrock miner apprentice TEER 3 83100
hardware assembler TEER 4 94219
hardware assembler - furniture manufacturing TEER 4 94210
hardware buyer TEER 2 62101
hardware circuit board designer TEER 1 21311
hardware design engineer TEER 1 21311
hardware development engineer TEER 1 21311
hardware engineer TEER 1 21311
hardware installation technician TEER 2 22221
hardware installer - furniture manufacturing TEER 4 94210
hardware mounter - furniture manufacturing TEER 4 94210
hardware purchasing director TEER 0 10012
hardware purchasing manager TEER 0 10012
hardware salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
hardware store clerk TEER 4 64100
hardware store manager TEER 0 60020
hardware technical architect TEER 1 21311
hardware technical support analyst TEER 2 22221
hardware, tool and knife inspector TEER 4 94219
hardwood faller and bucker TEER 4 84110
hardwood floor covering installer TEER 3 73113
hardwood floor layer TEER 3 73113
harness and cable fabricator - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
harness cleaner - textile processing TEER 5 95105
harness preparer - textiles TEER 4 94131
harness race driver TEER 3 53200
harness racing driver TEER 3 53200
harness racing starter TEER 3 53202
harness tier - textiles TEER 4 94131
harpist TEER 1 51122
harpoon fisherman/woman TEER 3 83121
harpsichord builder TEER 3 53124
harvest hand TEER 5 85101
harvest worker TEER 5 85101
harvester machine operator TEER 4 84120
harvesting labourer TEER 5 85101
hat and cap eyelet machine operator TEER 4 94219
hat and cap makers foreman/woman TEER 2 92015
hat and cap parts bundler TEER 5 95109
hat and cap perforator TEER 5 95109
hat block maker - woodworking TEER 4 94124
hat brim cutter - fabric products manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hat brusher TEER 5 95109
hat check attendant TEER 5 65329
hat cleaner TEER 5 65320
hat cone former - hat manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hat cone shrinker TEER 4 94219
hat crown and brim former - hat manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hat decoration maker TEER 4 94219
hat decorator - fabric products manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hat designer TEER 3 53123
hat dyer supervisor TEER 2 92015
hat finisher TEER 4 94219
hat foundation maker - fabric products manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hat fur sorter TEER 4 94133
hat inspector TEER 4 94133
hat liner TEER 5 95109
hat ornament maker TEER 4 94219
hat sizer TEER 5 95109
hat sorter TEER 5 95109
hat sweatband flanger TEER 5 95109
hat treater TEER 5 95109
hat trimming department foreman/woman TEER 2 92015
hat-brim-flexing machine tender - hat manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hat-greasing machine tender - hat manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hat-pouncing machine tender - hat manufacturing TEER 4 94219
hatchery foreman/woman TEER 2 82030
hatchery helper - aquaculture TEER 5 85102
hatchery helper - poultry TEER 5 85100
hatchery manager TEER 0 80020
hatchery operator TEER 0 80020
hatchery worker - aquaculture TEER 5 85102
hatchery worker - poultry TEER 5 85100
hatmaking machine operator TEER 4 94219
haulage truck driver - underground mining TEER 4 84100
haulageman/woman TEER 4 84100
haulageman/woman - underground mining TEER 4 84100
hay baler operator - agriculture TEER 4 84120
hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) coordinator TEER 2 92012
hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) coordinator - food processing TEER 2 92012
hazardous waste inspector TEER 1 21120
hazzan TEER 2 42204
head air traffic controller TEER 2 72601
head archivist TEER 0 50010
head baggage porter TEER 2 62022
head baker TEER 3 63202
head baker - retail TEER 3 63202
head barmaid TEER 4 64301
head barman/barwoman TEER 4 64301
head bartender TEER 4 64301
head boner - meat packing plant TEER 4 94141
head brakeman/woman TEER 3 73311
head butcher - retail TEER 3 63201
head butcher - retail or wholesale TEER 3 63201
head butcher - wholesale TEER 3 63201
head caretaker TEER 2 62024
head cashier TEER 2 62010
head charger TEER 3 93100
head chef TEER 2 62200
head cleaner TEER 2 62024
head cleaning man/woman TEER 2 62024
head coach TEER 3 53201
head correctional officer TEER 3 43201
head custodian TEER 2 62024
head custodian - cleaning services TEER 2 62024
head dispatcher TEER 2 12013
head end technician - cable television TEER 2 72205
head grip TEER 2 52119
head grower - cannabis TEER 0 80021
head janitor TEER 2 62024
head librarian TEER 0 50010
head matron - correctional service TEER 3 43201
head miller - feed-and-flour mill TEER 2 92012
head mixer - bakery TEER 2 92012
head nurse TEER 1 31300
head of cataloguing TEER 0 50010
head of wardrobe TEER 2 52119
head office underwriter - insurance TEER 2 12202
head preparator - museums and art galleries TEER 3 53100
head refrigerating engineer TEER 2 92011
head rotisseur TEER 2 62200
head sawyer TEER 4 94120
head sawyer - sawmill TEER 4 94120
head shipper TEER 2 12013
head teller - financial services TEER 4 64400
head train dispatcher TEER 2 72604
head-hunter TEER 2 12101
head-office repair supervisor TEER 2 72011
head-saw operator - sawmill TEER 4 94120
headband and liner gluer - printing TEER 4 94152
header machine operator - metal TEER 4 94107
heading machine tender TEER 4 94219
headlight adjuster - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
headline writer TEER 1 51113
headman/woman - underground mining TEER 4 84100
headquarters chief inspector - police TEER 0 40040
headquarters duty officer - police TEER 2 42100
headquarters police inspector TEER 0 40040
headrig operator - sawmill TEER 4 94120
headwaiter/headwaitress - food and beverage services TEER 5 65200
health aide TEER 3 33109
health and dental claims examiner - insurance TEER 2 12201
health and safety inspector TEER 2 22232
health and safety instructor TEER 1 41210
health and safety officer TEER 2 22232
health and safety technician TEER 2 22232
health and safety technologist TEER 2 22232
health and social services institution accreditation officer TEER 1 41404
health and social services liaison officer TEER 1 41404
health and welfare manager - government services TEER 0 40010
health authority board member TEER 1 41407
health care aide TEER 3 33102
health care assistant TEER 3 33102
health care association president TEER 0 00013
health care association program officer TEER 1 41404
health care consultant TEER 1 41404
health care institution pharmacist TEER 1 31120
health care insurance plan director - government services TEER 0 40010
health care insurance refund claims director - government services TEER 0 40010
health care planner TEER 1 41404
health care planning consultant TEER 1 41404
health care planning officer TEER 1 41404
health care program administration officer TEER 1 41404
health care researcher TEER 1 41404
health club manager TEER 0 50012
health commissioner TEER 0 00011
health economist TEER 1 41401
health education director - government services TEER 0 40010
health education teacher - secondary school TEER 1 41220
health educator TEER 1 41404
health information and promotion chief - government services TEER 0 40010
health information and promotion director TEER 0 40010
health information and promotion director - government services TEER 0 40010
health information clerk TEER 4 14100
health information management coder TEER 2 12111
health information management consultant TEER 1 11201
health information management practitioner TEER 2 12111
health information management professional TEER 2 12111
health information management supervisor TEER 2 12111
health information management technician TEER 2 12111
health librarian TEER 1 51100
health officers supervisor TEER 2 22232
health physicist TEER 1 21100
health policy development officer TEER 1 41404
health policy research analyst TEER 1 41404
health program information analyst TEER 1 41404
health program operations manager TEER 0 40010
health program operations manager - government services TEER 0 40010
health programs assistant director - government services TEER 0 40010
health promotion chief - government services TEER 0 40010
health promotion program officer TEER 1 41404
health records administrator TEER 0 10019
health records classifier TEER 2 12111
health records clerk TEER 4 14100
health records management coder TEER 2 12111
health records management supervisor TEER 2 12111
health records technician TEER 2 12111
health research officer TEER 1 41404
health services consultant TEER 1 41404
health services director - government services TEER 0 40010
health services institution executive director TEER 0 00013
health services program consultant TEER 1 41404
health services research officer TEER 1 41404
health services researcher TEER 1 41404
health standards inspector TEER 1 21120
health strategies manager - government services TEER 0 40010
health studio manager TEER 0 50012
health technology teacher TEER 1 41210
hearing aid assistant TEER 2 32109
hearing aid consultant TEER 2 32109
hearing aid dealer TEER 2 32109
hearing aid inspector - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
hearing aid practitioner TEER 2 32109
hearing aid repairer TEER 2 22311
hearing aid sales consultant - retail TEER 4 64100
hearing aid salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
hearing aid specialist TEER 2 32109
hearing aid technician TEER 2 32109
hearing assessment technician TEER 2 32109
hearing disorder technician TEER 2 32109
hearing instrument dispenser TEER 2 32109
hearing instrument practitioner TEER 2 32109
hearing instrument practitioner assistant TEER 2 32109
hearing instrument specialist TEER 2 32109
hearse driver TEER 5 75200
heart specialist TEER 1 31100
heat and frost insulator TEER 2 72321
heat curer - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
heat seal equipment operator - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
heat sensor assembler TEER 4 94219
heat treat technician TEER 2 22101
heat treater helper TEER 5 95101
heat treating inspector TEER 4 94104
heat treating inspector - metal processing TEER 4 94104
heat-seal press pad assembler - furniture assembly TEER 5 95109
heat-sealing machine tender - plastic manufacturing TEER 4 94111
heat-treat furnace operator - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
heater - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100
heater helper - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
heater operator - metal forging TEER 4 94105
heater-planer operator TEER 3 73400
heating and air conditioning contractor TEER 2 72020
heating and air conditioning mechanic TEER 2 72402
heating and air conditioning mechanic helper TEER 5 75119
heating and air conditioning systems contractor TEER 2 72020
heating and cooling mechanic TEER 2 72402
heating and cooling mechanic helper TEER 5 75119
heating and ventilation equipment tender TEER 2 92100
heating and ventilation systems draftsperson TEER 2 22212
heating designer TEER 2 22301
heating element coil former - electrical equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94205
heating element coil-former operator TEER 4 94205
heating mechanic TEER 2 72420
heating plant foreman/woman TEER 2 92011
heating service mechanic TEER 2 72420
heating specialist engineer TEER 1 21301
heating stationary engineer TEER 2 92100
heating system installation and repair contractor TEER 2 72020
heating system mechanic TEER 2 72420
heating systems contractor TEER 2 72020
heating systems draftsperson TEER 2 22212
heating systems installer TEER 2 72420
heating systems mechanics foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
heating systems servicer TEER 2 72420
heating systems technician TEER 2 72420
heating technician TEER 2 72420
heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) mechanics foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems technician TEER 2 22301
heating, ventilating and air conditioning technician TEER 2 22301
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) engineer TEER 1 21301
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) mechanic TEER 2 72402
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems specialist TEER 2 22301
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems technologist TEER 2 22301
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technologist TEER 2 22301
heavy agricultural machinery assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
heavy chucking lathe operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106
heavy construction crew foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
heavy construction equipment assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
heavy construction labourers foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
heavy construction-equipment operator TEER 3 73400
heavy current switch assembler TEER 4 94202
heavy diesel engine mechanic TEER 2 72401
heavy equipment assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
heavy equipment combination mechanic TEER 2 72401
heavy equipment field mechanic TEER 2 72401
heavy equipment fitter TEER 2 72405
heavy equipment greaser TEER 4 74203
heavy equipment inspector-repairer TEER 2 72401
heavy equipment mechanic TEER 2 72401
heavy equipment mechanic - diesel engine TEER 2 72401
heavy equipment mechanic foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
heavy equipment mechanic helper TEER 5 75119
heavy equipment mechanics supervisor TEER 2 72020
heavy equipment operating engineer TEER 3 73400
heavy equipment operator TEER 3 73400
heavy equipment operator apprentice TEER 3 73400
heavy equipment operators instructor - community college TEER 1 41210
heavy equipment operators supervisor TEER 2 72021
heavy equipment sales representative TEER 2 62100
heavy equipment salesperson TEER 2 62100
heavy equipment service truck driver TEER 4 74203
heavy equipment servicer (except mechanic) TEER 4 74203
heavy farm equipment assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
heavy forger TEER 4 94105
heavy machinery assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
heavy machinery fitter TEER 2 72405
heavy materials handler TEER 5 75101
heavy media separation tender - mineral and metal processing TEER 4 94100
heavy mobile equipment repairer TEER 2 72401
heavy mobile equipment repairman/woman TEER 2 72401
heavy mobile logging equipment mechanic TEER 2 72401
heavy mobile mining equipment mechanic TEER 2 72401
heavy truck driver TEER 3 73300
heavy truck greaser TEER 4 74203
heavy truck oiler TEER 4 74203
heavy truck sales representative TEER 2 62100
heavy truck salesperson TEER 2 62100
heavy water chemical process operator TEER 3 93101
heavy water plant control technician TEER 2 22312
heavy water plant mechanical maintainer TEER 2 72400
heavy water steam plant operator TEER 2 92100
heavy-duty capacitor assembler TEER 4 94202
heavy-duty cleaner TEER 5 65312
heavy-duty coil former - industrial electrical equipment TEER 4 94203
heavy-duty electrical battery charger tester TEER 4 94205
heavy-duty equipment mechanic TEER 2 72401
heavy-duty equipment mechanic apprentice TEER 2 72401
heavy-duty equipment operator TEER 3 73400
heavy-duty equipment operator apprentice TEER 3 73400
heavy-duty equipment operators foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
heavy-duty equipment servicer (except mechanic) TEER 4 74203
heavy-duty equipment technician TEER 2 72401
heavy-duty equipment technician apprentice TEER 2 72401
heavy-duty press set-up operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105
heavy-duty resistor assembler TEER 4 94202
heavy-duty transformer assembler TEER 4 94203
heavy-duty transformer coil winder TEER 4 94203
heddle examiner TEER 5 95109
heel attacher TEER 4 94219
heel breaster TEER 4 94219
heel compressor tender - shoe manufacturing TEER 5 95109
heel cutter - rubber footwear TEER 4 94112
heel maker TEER 4 94219
heel maker - rubber footwear TEER 4 94112
heel reducer - shoe manufacturing TEER 5 95109
heel scorer - shoe manufacturing TEER 5 95109
heel seat fitter TEER 4 94219
heel shaper - shoe manufacturing TEER 5 95109
heel-trimming machine operator - footwear manufacturing TEER 4 94219
heliarc welder TEER 2 72106
helicopter assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
helicopter assembly supervisor TEER 2 92023
helicopter chief pilot TEER 2 72600
helicopter flight instructor TEER 2 72600
helicopter maintenance foreman/woman - mechanical systems TEER 2 72020
helicopter mechanic TEER 2 72404
helicopter mechanical systems inspector TEER 2 72404
helicopter pilot TEER 2 72600
helminthologist TEER 1 21110
helmsman - sports TEER 3 53200
helmsman/woman - water transport TEER 4 74201
help centre supervisor - social services TEER 2 42201
help desk analyst TEER 2 22221
help desk manager - information technology (IT) TEER 0 20012
help desk specialist TEER 2 22221
help desk technical agent TEER 2 22221
help desk technician TEER 2 22221
help file developer TEER 1 51112
helper - chemical processing TEER 5 95102
helper - garbage collection TEER 5 75212
helper - primary metal and mineral products processing TEER 5 95100
helper - printing TEER 5 95109
helper - textiles TEER 5 95105
hematological-pathologist TEER 1 31100
hematologist TEER 1 31100
hematology technologist - medical laboratory TEER 2 32120
hematopathologist TEER 1 31100
hematopathology specialist TEER 1 31100
hemmer machine operator - sewing TEER 4 94132
hemodialysis nurse TEER 1 31301
hemodialysis technician TEER 2 32129
hemodialysis technologist TEER 2 32129
henna tattoo artist TEER 3 63211
heraldist TEER 3 53123
herbal medicine assistant TEER 3 33109
herbal practitioner TEER 2 32209
herbal specialist TEER 2 32209
herbalist TEER 2 32209
herbarium curator TEER 1 51101
herbologist TEER 2 32209
herbology practitioner TEER 2 32209
herborist TEER 2 32209
herd attendant TEER 4 84120
herd hand TEER 5 85100
herd superintendent TEER 4 84120
herder - stockyards TEER 4 84120
herdsman/woman TEER 4 84120
herdsperson TEER 4 84120
heritage interpreter TEER 3 53100
heritage languages education consultant TEER 1 41405
heritage languages program director TEER 0 40012
heritage planner - land use TEER 1 21202
heritage work planner TEER 1 21202
herpetologist TEER 1 21110
hide and pelt processing inspector TEER 4 94133
hide and pelt processing labourer TEER 5 95109
hide and pelt processing worker TEER 4 94130
hide and skin preparer TEER 4 94130
hide curing foreman/woman - food and beverage processing TEER 2 92012
hide fluffer - hide and pelt processing TEER 4 94130
hide grader TEER 4 94133
hide inspector TEER 4 94133
hide parer - hide and pelt processing TEER 4 94130
hide processing worker TEER 4 94130
hide sorter TEER 4 94133
hide stretcher TEER 4 94130
hide tanning supervisor TEER 2 92015
hide-house foreman/woman - hide and pelt processing TEER 2 92015
high commissioner TEER 0 00011
high rise sheet metal installer TEER 2 72102
high school librarian TEER 2 52100
high school principal TEER 0 40021
high school teacher TEER 1 41220
high school teacher - outdoor activities TEER 1 41220
high speed printer operator TEER 4 94150
high voltage lineman/linewoman TEER 2 72203
high voltage lineman/woman - electric power systems TEER 2 72203
high voltage transformer bushing assembler TEER 4 94203
high-raise blaster TEER 3 83100
high-speed machine operator - tobacco products TEER 4 94140
high-speed machine warper - textile manufacturing TEER 4 94130
high-speed packer operator - tobacco products TEER 4 94140
high-speed stud operator - sawmill TEER 4 94120
high-temperature physicist TEER 1 21100
high-voltage maintenance lineman/woman TEER 2 72203
high-voltage power line patroller - electric power systems TEER 2 72203
high-voltage power transformer repairer TEER 2 72422
high-voltage tower lineman/woman TEER 2 72203
high-wire walker TEER 3 53121
highway and bridge maintenance road boss TEER 2 72021
highway and street cement mason TEER 3 73100
highway commissioner TEER 0 00011
highway concrete mixer operator helper TEER 5 75110
highway construction boss TEER 2 72021
highway construction foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
highway construction general manager TEER 0 00015
highway construction inspector TEER 2 22233
highway construction inspector foreman/woman TEER 2 22233
highway construction manager TEER 0 70010
highway construction materials testing technician TEER 2 22300
highway engineer TEER 1 21300
highway line painter TEER 5 75212
highway maintenance foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
highway maintenance worker TEER 5 75110
highway patrol officer TEER 2 42100
highway patrolman/woman TEER 2 42100
highway radio-telephone operator TEER 4 14404
highway scale operator TEER 3 43202
highway sign erector TEER 5 75110
highway snow removal equipment operator TEER 4 74205
highway snowplow operator TEER 4 74205
highway technician TEER 2 22300
highway traffic technician TEER 2 22300
hiking guide TEER 4 64322
histologist TEER 1 21110
histology technician TEER 3 33101
histology technologist TEER 2 32120
histology technologist - medical laboratory TEER 2 32120
histopathologist TEER 1 21110
histopathologist - medical specialist TEER 1 31100
histopathology technologist TEER 2 32120
historian TEER 1 41409
historic site interpreter TEER 3 53100
historic sites administrator TEER 0 50010
historical archivist TEER 1 51102
historical artifact conservator TEER 1 51101
historical geographer TEER 1 41409
historical interpreter TEER 3 53100
historical park assistant director TEER 0 50010
historical park assistant superintendent TEER 0 50010
historical park director TEER 0 50010
historical park superintendent TEER 0 50010
historical site technician TEER 3 53100
historical village supervisor TEER 3 53100
historical village technician TEER 3 53100
history assistant professor - university TEER 1 41200
history museum interpreter TEER 3 53100
history professor - university TEER 1 41200
history teacher - general and vocational college (CEGEP) TEER 1 41210
history teacher - secondary school TEER 1 41220
histotechnologist - medical laboratory TEER 2 32120
ho-ram operator TEER 3 73400
hobby shop salesperson TEER 4 64100
hockey association general manager TEER 0 00013
hockey coach TEER 3 53201
hockey player TEER 3 53200
hockey scout TEER 3 53201
hockey stick assembler TEER 4 94211
hockey stick inspector-grader TEER 4 94211
hockey team coach TEER 3 53201
hog breeder TEER 0 80020
hog buyer TEER 2 62101
hog farm foreman/woman TEER 2 82030
hog farm supervisor TEER 2 82030
hog farm worker TEER 5 85100
hog farmer TEER 0 80020
hog killer TEER 4 94141
hog machine tender - wood processing TEER 5 95103
hog operation supervisor TEER 2 82030
hog producer TEER 0 80020
hogshead assembler - wood products manufacturing TEER 4 94211
hogshead filler - tobacco products TEER 5 95106
hogshead inspector - tobacco processing TEER 4 94143
hoist operator - foundry TEER 2 72500
hoist operator - underground mining TEER 3 83100
hoist operator (except underground mining) TEER 2 72500
hoisting-and-lifting equipment assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
hoistman/woman underground mining TEER 3 83100
hole saw tender - woodworking TEER 4 94124
holidays service manager TEER 0 60040
holistic nutritionist TEER 2 32209
holistic practitioner TEER 2 32209
hollowware mounter TEER 4 94219
hollowware-buffing machine tender TEER 4 94219
hologram-imprinting machine tender TEER 4 94152
holographics technician TEER 2 22310
holographics technologist TEER 2 22310
Holter monitor technologist TEER 2 32123
Holter scanning technologist TEER 2 32123
home automation technician TEER 2 22301
home builder TEER 0 70011
home building contractor TEER 0 70011
home care neuroscience nurse TEER 1 31301
home care nurse TEER 1 31301
home care occupational therapist TEER 1 31203
home care service manager TEER 0 60040
home care services director - government services TEER 0 40010
home care services director - medical services TEER 0 30010
home child care provider TEER 4 44100
home cleaner TEER 5 65310
home construction inspector TEER 2 22233
home decorating consultant TEER 2 52121
home decorator TEER 2 52121
home demonstrator - retail TEER 5 65109
home economics consultant TEER 1 41403
home economics teacher - elementary school TEER 1 41221
home economics teacher - secondary school TEER 1 41220
home economics technologist TEER 2 22100
home economist TEER 1 41403
home economist - consumer association TEER 1 41403
home health care worker TEER 4 44101
home helper TEER 4 44101
home inspector TEER 2 22233
home lighting technician TEER 2 22310
home mission worker - religion TEER 2 42204
home office underwriter - insurance TEER 2 12202
home organizer TEER 2 52121
home renovation contractor TEER 0 70011
home renovator TEER 0 70011
home salesperson TEER 5 65109
home stager TEER 2 52121
home staging consultant TEER 2 52121
home support attendant TEER 4 44101
home support worker TEER 4 44101
home trade first mate TEER 2 72602
home trade master TEER 2 72602
home trade mate TEER 2 72602
home trade second mate TEER 2 72602
home-care programs consultant TEER 1 41404
home-care worker TEER 4 44101
homemaker helper - rest home TEER 5 65310
homemaker services director - government services TEER 0 40010
homemaker services director - social services TEER 0 40030
homeopath TEER 2 32209
homeopathic practitioner TEER 2 32209
homework assistant TEER 3 43100
homogenizer operator - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
honey farm worker TEER 5 85100
honey grader and blender TEER 4 94143
honey-processing equipment operator TEER 4 94140
honing machine operator - metal machining TEER 4 94106
hood fitter - motor vehicle manufacturing TEER 4 94200
hoof remover - food and beverage processing TEER 5 95106
hook and rig supervisor - logging TEER 2 82010
hook repairer - textile manufacturing TEER 2 72400
hook tender TEER 2 82010
hook tender - logging TEER 2 82010
hooker-laster - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
hoop bender TEER 4 94105
hoop net fisherman/woman TEER 3 83121
hoop-driver operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
hoop-driving machine operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
hoop-maker machine operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105
hoop-making machine operator TEER 4 94107
hoop-punching and hoop-coiling machine operator - metal products manufacturing TEER 4 94107
hoop-riveting machine operator TEER 4 94107
hop farm foreman/woman TEER 2 82030
hop grower TEER 0 80020
hop producer TEER 0 80020
hop-picking machine operator TEER 4 84120
horizontal boring and milling machine set-up operator TEER 4 94106
horizontal boring machine operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
horizontal earth-boring machine helper TEER 5 75110
horizontal earth-boring machine operator TEER 3 73400
horizontal resaw operator - woodworking TEER 4 94124
horn player TEER 1 51122
horn teacher - private, conservatory or studio lessons TEER 1 51122
horse breaker TEER 4 84120
horse breeder TEER 0 80020
horse hot-walker TEER 5 65220
horse identifier TEER 3 53202
horse logger TEER 4 84110
horse plating inspector - racetrack TEER 3 53202
horse race timer TEER 3 53202
horse racing director TEER 0 50012
horse racing starter TEER 3 53202
horse stable foreman/woman TEER 2 82030
horse trainer TEER 4 84120
horse-drawn vehicle sightseeing tour guide TEER 4 64320
horseback riding guide TEER 4 64322
horseback riding instructor TEER 4 54100
horseshoe inspector TEER 3 53202
horseshoer TEER 2 72999
horticultural contractor TEER 2 82031
horticultural greenhouse operator TEER 0 80021
horticultural technician TEER 2 22114
horticultural technologist TEER 2 22114
horticulture and landscaping instructor - school of horticulture TEER 1 41210
horticulture labourer TEER 5 85103
horticulture specialist TEER 2 22114
horticulture technician TEER 2 22114
horticulture technologist TEER 2 22114
horticulture workers supervisor TEER 2 82031
horticulturist TEER 2 22114
horticulturist helper TEER 5 85103
hose building foreman/woman - rubber manufacturing TEER 2 92013
hose building supervisor - rubber products manufacturing TEER 2 92013
hose checker - rubber products manufacturing TEER 5 95104
hose curer - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
hose cutter and brander operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
hose maker machine operator - rubber products manufacturing TEER 4 94112
hoseman/woman insulation helper TEER 5 75110
hosiery boarder TEER 4 94130
hosiery folder TEER 5 95105
hosiery foreman/woman TEER 2 92015
hosiery grader TEER 4 94133
hosiery inspector TEER 4 94133
hosiery knitter TEER 4 94131
hosiery looper - textiles TEER 4 94131
hosiery pairer TEER 4 94133
hosiery seamer - textiles TEER 4 94131
hosiery sizer TEER 4 94133
hosiery tray dryer TEER 5 95105
hosiery-knitting machine tender TEER 4 94131
hospice worker TEER 3 33102
hospital administrator TEER 0 00013
hospital admissions clerk TEER 4 14101
hospital admissions director TEER 0 10019
hospital admitting clerk TEER 4 14101
hospital admitting clerks supervisor TEER 2 12010
hospital aide TEER 3 33102
hospital attendant TEER 3 33102
hospital baker TEER 3 63202
hospital cleaner TEER 5 65310
hospital cook TEER 3 63200
hospital druggist TEER 1 31120
hospital electronic equipment repairer TEER 2 22310
hospital equipment sales representative TEER 2 62100
hospital equipment salesperson TEER 2 62100
hospital executive director TEER 0 00013
hospital executive housekeeper TEER 2 62021
hospital food service supervisor TEER 2 62020
hospital hygiene nurse TEER 1 31301
hospital hygienist - nursing TEER 1 31301
hospital information clerk TEER 4 64409
hospital insurance clerk TEER 4 14201
hospital meal attendant TEER 5 65201
hospital nurse TEER 1 31301
hospital orderly TEER 3 33102
hospital pharmacist TEER 1 31120
hospital porter TEER 3 33102
hospital receptionist TEER 4 14101
hospital records clerk TEER 4 14100
hospital service aide - medical TEER 3 33102
hospital stationary engineer TEER 2 92100
hospital television rental attendant TEER 4 64100
hospital tray carrier TEER 5 65201
hospital ward aide TEER 3 33102
hospitalist TEER 1 31100
host/hostess - food service TEER 4 64300
host/hostess - restaurant or cocktail lounge TEER 4 64300
host/hostess - television or radio TEER 2 52114
hostel coordinator TEER 2 42201
hostel manager TEER 0 60031
hostel outreach worker TEER 2 42201
hostel service aide - medical TEER 3 33102
hostler - transit system TEER 4 74203
hot air balloonist TEER 4 64322
hot bed leverman/woman - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
hot composition foreman/woman - printing TEER 2 72022
hot dog vendor TEER 5 65201
hot gas welder TEER 2 72106
hot metal crane operator TEER 2 72500
hot mill roller - primary metal processing TEER 3 93100
hot plate press tender helper TEER 5 95103
hot press operator TEER 4 94105
hot press operator - clay products TEER 4 94103
hot press operator - metal forging TEER 4 94105
hot press operator - wood processing TEER 4 94129
hot press tender - woodworking TEER 4 94124
hot strip finishing mill tender - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
hot strip roughing mill tender - primary metal processing TEER 4 94100
hot tub installer TEER 3 73200
hot tub servicer TEER 3 73200
hot water heater installation contractor TEER 2 72014
hot water heater installer TEER 3 73200
hot-box moulder - foundry TEER 4 94101
hot-dip coater - metal plating TEER 4 94213
hot-dip galvanizer - metal plating TEER 4 94213
hot-wound spring coiler TEER 4 94107
hotel accommodations sales executive TEER 4 64101
hotel and restaurant inspector - public health TEER 1 21120
hotel assistant manager TEER 0 60031
hotel baker TEER 3 63202
hotel cashier TEER 5 65100
hotel chain regional vice-president TEER 0 00014
hotel cleaner TEER 5 65310
hotel clerk TEER 4 64314
hotel clerk head TEER 2 62022
hotel clerk supervisor TEER 2 62022
hotel concierge TEER 4 64314
hotel director TEER 0 60031
hotel doorkeeper TEER 5 65210
hotel executive housekeeper TEER 2 62021
hotel food and beverage service manager TEER 0 60030
hotel front desk clerk TEER 4 64314
hotel front desk manager TEER 0 60031
hotel front office clerk TEER 4 64314
hotel front office manager TEER 0 60031
hotel general manager TEER 0 00014
hotel guest services attendant TEER 5 65210
hotel housekeeper TEER 5 65310
hotel information clerk - contact centre TEER 4 64409
hotel management teacher - college TEER 1 41210
hotel manager TEER 0 60031
hotel managing supervisor TEER 2 62022
hotel night auditor TEER 4 64314
hotel operator TEER 0 60031
hotel purchasing agent TEER 2 12102
hotel purchasing officer TEER 2 12102
hotel receptionist TEER 4 64314
hotel services sales representative TEER 4 64101
hotel supply sales representative TEER 4 64101
hotel valet TEER 5 65329
hotel waiter/waitress - formal service TEER 5 65200
hothouse flower grower TEER 0 80021
hothouse installers foreman/woman TEER 2 72014
hothouse labourer TEER 5 85103
house automation technician TEER 2 22301
house carpenter TEER 2 72310
house cleaner TEER 5 65310
house detective TEER 4 64410
house manager TEER 5 65329
house mover contractor TEER 2 72021
house moving foreman/woman TEER 2 72021
House of Commons administrator TEER 0 40019
House of Commons chief clerk TEER 0 40030
House of Commons committee officer TEER 1 41407
House of Commons officer TEER 1 41407
house painter TEER 3 73112
house trailer assembly foreman/woman TEER 2 92023
house trailer salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
household and business equipment technician TEER 2 22311
household appliance installer TEER 3 73200
household appliance repair shop foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
household appliance salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
household electrical appliance repairman/woman TEER 2 72421
household electrical appliance service technician TEER 2 72421
household goods mover TEER 5 75101
household manager TEER 5 65329
housekeeper TEER 5 65310
housekeeping aide TEER 5 65310
housekeeping attendant TEER 5 65310
housekeeping director TEER 2 62021
housekeeping manager TEER 2 62021
housekeeping room attendant TEER 5 65310
housekeeping room attendant supervisor TEER 2 62024
housekeeping services director - government services TEER 0 40010
housekeeping supervisor TEER 2 62024
housemaid - cleaning services TEER 5 65310
houseman/woman TEER 5 65310
housesitter TEER 5 65329
housewares salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
housing construction inspector TEER 2 22233
housing construction manager TEER 0 70010
housing development officer TEER 3 13101
housing policy analyst TEER 1 41403
housing policy and development director - government services TEER 0 40010
housing project manager TEER 3 13101
housing rehabilitation inspector TEER 2 22233
housing rehabilitation specialist - builder TEER 0 70011
housing renovator TEER 0 70011
hovercraft master TEER 2 72602
hull draftsperson - shipbuilding and repair TEER 2 22212
hull inspector TEER 4 94219
hull surveyor TEER 4 94219
hull technician TEER 4 94219
human communication disorders specialist TEER 1 31112
human factors engineer TEER 1 41400
human factors specialist (except engineer) TEER 1 41400
human kineticist TEER 1 31204
human physiologist TEER 1 21110
human relations officer - family and children's services TEER 1 41301
human relations officer - family therapy TEER 1 41301
human relations officer - social work TEER 1 41300
human resource information system (HRIS) analyst TEER 1 21221
human resources administrator TEER 3 13110
human resources administrator - Canadian armed forces TEER 3 13110
human resources adviser TEER 1 11200
human resources and organizational development vice-president - financial, communications and other business services TEER 0 00012
human resources and organizational development vice-president - goods production, utilities, transportation and construction TEER 0 00015
human resources and organizational development vice-president - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations TEER 0 00013
human resources and organizational development vice-president - trade, broadcasting and other services TEER 0 00014
human resources assistant TEER 4 14102
human resources classification officer TEER 1 11200
human resources clerk TEER 4 14102
human resources clerk - Canadian armed forces TEER 4 14102
human resources consultant TEER 1 11200
human resources coordinator TEER 1 11200
human resources coordinator - Canadian armed forces TEER 1 11200
human resources development and planning director TEER 0 10011
human resources development director TEER 0 10011
human resources director TEER 0 10011
human resources economist TEER 1 41401
human resources generalist TEER 1 11200
human resources management consultant TEER 1 11200
human resources management director TEER 0 10011
human resources manager TEER 0 10011
human resources officer TEER 2 12101
human resources planning consultant TEER 1 11200
human resources planning manager TEER 0 10011
human resources policy analyst TEER 1 11200
human resources policy officer TEER 1 11200
human resources program supervisor TEER 1 11200
human resources research officer TEER 1 11200
human resources secretary TEER 3 13110
human resources specialist TEER 1 11200
human resources supervisor TEER 1 11200
human resources technician TEER 2 12101
human resources vice-president - bank TEER 0 00012
human resources vice-president - financial, communications and other business services TEER 0 00012
human resources vice-president - goods production, utilities, transportation and construction TEER 0 00015
human resources vice-president - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations TEER 0 00013
human resources vice-president - trade, broadcasting and other services TEER 0 00014
Human Rights Commission chairperson TEER 0 00011
Human Rights Commission officer TEER 1 41403
Human Rights Commission officers supervisor TEER 1 41403
human rights officer TEER 1 41403
human rights officer - government services TEER 1 41403
human rights specialist TEER 1 41403
Humane Society inspector TEER 3 43202
Humane Society officer TEER 3 43202
humanities professor - university TEER 1 41200
humanities teacher - high school TEER 1 41220
humidifier tender - wood processing TEER 4 94129
humidifying systems operator TEER 2 92100
humorist - performing arts TEER 3 53121
humorist-author TEER 1 51111
hunter TEER 5 85104
hunter machine operator - foundry TEER 4 94101
hunting and fishing guide TEER 4 64322
hunting and fishing lodge manager TEER 0 60031
hunting and fishing outfitter TEER 4 64322
hunting camp operator TEER 0 60031
hunting guide TEER 4 64322
hunting guns salesperson - retail TEER 4 64100
hybrid circuit assembler - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
hybrid inspector - electronic equipment manufacturing TEER 4 94201
hydrant and valve maintenance worker TEER 4 74204
hydrate scale reclaimer - primary metal processing TEER 5 95100
hydrate thickener operator TEER 4 94100
hydrator operator TEER 4 94110
hydraulic barker operator - wood processing TEER 4 94129
hydraulic chair assembler TEER 4 94210
hydraulic coal monitor operator TEER 3 83100
hydraulic excavator operator TEER 3 73400
hydraulic hoist assembler TEER 4 94204
hydraulic installation - aircraft assembly TEER 3 93200
hydraulic machinery draftsperson TEER 2 22212
hydraulic press operator - metal fabrication TEER 4 94105
hydraulic press tender - woodworking TEER 4 94124
hydraulic pump assembler TEER 4 94204
hydraulic system installer - aircraft assembly TEER 3 93200
hydraulic unit repair shop foreman/woman TEER 2 72020
hydraulic unit repairer TEER 3 73209
hydraulics engineer TEER 1 21300
hydro-electric generating station operator TEER 2 92100
hydro-electric power plant operator TEER 2 92100
hydro-electric power production plant director TEER 0 90011
hydro-electric power station director TEER 0 90011
hydro-electric power station president TEER 0 00015
hydro-electric station chief operator TEER 2 92011
hydro-electricity sales representative TEER 2 62100
hydrobiologist TEER 1 21110
hydrocarbon mud logger - oil field services TEER 3 83101
hydrochemist TEER 1 21101
hydroelectric power station project manager TEER 0 90011
hydrogen braze furnace man/woman TEER 2 72106
hydrogen braze furnace operator TEER 2 72106
hydrogen furnace tender - clay products TEER 4 94103
hydrogen process plant operator TEER 3 93101
hydrogenation operator - food and beverage processing TEER 4 94140
hydrogeological engineer TEER 1 21331
hydrogeological engineer - engineering TEER 1 21331
hydrogeologist TEER 1 21102
hydrogeology engineer TEER 1 21331
hydrographic engineer TEER 1 21300
hydrographic survey technician TEER 2 22101
hydrographic survey technologist TEER 2 22101
hydrographic surveyor - geology TEER 1 21102
hydrological engineer TEER 1 21300
hydrological technician TEER 2 22101
hydrologist TEER 1 21102
hydrology technician TEER 2 22101
hydrometallurgical engineer TEER 1 21322
hydrometallurgist TEER 1 21109
hydrometeorologist TEER 1 21103
hydrometer assembler TEER 4 94219
hydronics technician TEER 2 72402
hydroponic greenhouse operator TEER 0 80021
hydroponics grower TEER 0 80021
hydroponics labourer TEER 5 85103
hydroponics operator TEER 0 80021
hydroponics technician TEER 2 22114
hydrostatic tester TEER 2 22230
hydrovac truck operator TEER 3 73300
hygiene professor - university TEER 1 41200
hyperbaric physician TEER 1 31100
hypnotherapist TEER 2 32209
hypnotist TEER 3 53121

National Occupational Classification

 a |  b |  c |  d |  e |  f |  g |  h |  i |  j |  k |  l |  m |  n 

   o |  p |  q |  r |  s |  t |  u |  v |  w |  x |  y |  z |  2 |  3 |  9